Flag: India
Registered: October 4, 2021
Last post: February 3, 2022 at 5:22 AM
Posts: 272
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VCC is not VCT
It's a qualifying event with it's own ruleset
Nowhere in the ruleset it's mentioned one player contracted with 1 team can't play for another , so if VLT is fun with it so should people on internet forums be

posted about 3 years ago

It's very funny to me that Indian teams who aren't even close to these SEA teams get payed like 3/4 times more lmao. Like the top Indian teams get an average salary of about 1.5-2.5k dollars a month which is quite a bit in Indian money , and even more so for SEA. We have the resources and stuff but not the performance lol

posted about 3 years ago

Only 450 USD a month ? Damn that's sad to hear

posted about 3 years ago

Hey guys I just woke up and wanted to watch the VOD of the TSM games but it seems like neither of them were streamed ? Is this true ?

posted about 3 years ago

Mostly now , some of them are coming to pro player's chat streams and defending themselves. If these were pros playing under alts they would have revealed their identity when accused of cheating , plus wouldn't Radiant 1,2 or 3 be something you atleast bragged about ? Like how asuna did with "I miss her"

posted about 3 years ago

According to a few of them , when asked if they are so good why aren't they going for orgs and pro play or atleast streaming , they said that they have jobs and other stuff so they are too busy , but they have the time to play till 3-4 am everyday , average 8-10 ranked games a day ? That too most of those during the day time when they are supposedly at their jobs
Also gold to radiant is absolutely insane , I can understand diamond to radiant or even plat to radiant , it's not like they didn't play either they played a lot of games and still were ranked gold

posted about 3 years ago

How do you go from gold to radiant within 2 acts ? what changed between 3-4 weeks ?

posted about 3 years ago

They are not alts they are different people , and none of them have ever been heard of before , if they were ex cs players someone or the other would have recognized them trust ,e

posted about 3 years ago

The suspicious part is that some of them were ranked gold , plat , diamonds till 1-2 acts ago and suddenly out of nowhere are top radiants this act
Many pro players in SA are suspicious of them , some of them have even straight out said they are convinced some of these people are cheating

posted about 3 years ago

TE imo is a very tipsy team , in the match vs EG they looked completely lost and had no idea what they were doing , but they managed to take a map from FS which even VLT couldn't , so it's very hard to say. Maybe it's GE which is suffering and VLT EG become the top teams , who knows time will tell

posted about 3 years ago

VLT has still won every head to head vs EG , and so has GE except once. Imo it will be still be GE / VLT for the 1st playoffs and EG/the team that didn't qualify from GE or VLT for 2nd playoffs
imo EG is being overrated a bit after the addition of Excali. Yes they are a good team with upset potential but their Zotac performance wasn't great ( neither was any SA team's but that's expected at this point ) and Cali isn't doing much more of anything that hikka isn't doing. Besides the matches vs SEA VLT was looking incredible , they had barely dropped like 8 rounds across 2-3 matches. GE looked incredible before their Covid break as well.

posted about 3 years ago

See the issue with EG was that some rounds they looked like a world class team and other rounds they made plat-level decisions. yb's addition was probably made to counter this issue but we haven't seen EG properly play VLT or GE since then so we don't know if it worked or not. Will cali's addition help fix those issues ? No. But what it will allow them is to bruteforce through using gunfights and win. Now it will be important to see if VLT/GE can counter that fuck braim let's aim strat. Honestly feel like the cali move is being overhyped a wee bit but we'll see.

posted about 3 years ago

Wanted to be pro
Got ignored by every team
Left humiliated

lmao "big loss"

posted about 3 years ago

Ghost is worse than Kappa is a 1head take if I've ever seen one

posted about 3 years ago

Probably the first enigma flair on this site

posted about 3 years ago

I really fucking wish vlr had the option to block/mute people lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinel said all of this on his stream lol maybe stop being a 7th fail immature kid abusing everyone and do your own research retard

posted about 3 years ago

Trust me if they even fail to qualify for APAC Challenger they will keep saying I believe in this team and shit and not make any changes

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinel said on his stream Marzil was picked for his agent pool
Initially ace wanted to bench himself because he said Vibhor was playing better Sova than him , but the team needed Ace's skye so they decided against it
Marzil's biggest advantage is his insane Raze
Plus amaterasu is back now so they don't need a secondary filter anymore

posted about 3 years ago

Stop with the "Ge should pick him" "Ge can be saved"
They will not get anyone else until Kappa is 80 and can't remember what agent he is supposed to play , maybe then they start thinking of getting a 6th
You're all "keyboard warriors"

posted about 3 years ago

Lmao they will not pick anyone up

posted about 3 years ago

For the people being sad about Vibhor and saying GE should pick him up , apparently Vibhor wanted to play VCC but team picked Marzil because of his wide agent pool , so Vibhor was given the freedom by VLT to be loaned out to another team to play VCC. Vibhor decided against it and wanted to stay as the 6th man. He was given to option to go and he turned it down

posted about 3 years ago
Can't wait for my phantom to say "uninstall the game" after I whiff hard

posted about 3 years ago

stop saying It's OP at every moment , we don't even have a gameplay trailer yet let alone actually having played her in game , people said the same things about yoru and kayo , kayo took another buff after release to come into meta and yoru is a sad story , let's wait until we can actually try the agent

posted about 3 years ago

remember when people said the same thing about yoru

posted about 3 years ago

1 liter + ratio

posted about 3 years ago

Apparently he had a Nordic or Danish or something cousin whom he visited where he tried CS for the first time , and that cousin's name was John Olsen so he stuck with it

posted about 3 years ago

maybe when our best teams stop losing vs tier 3 no name teams we can get more slots lmao
We should be happy we are getting even 2 with the kind of performance we have had even on our own servers or vs PH teams on similar ping on SG lmao

posted about 3 years ago

In theory AEC could have just aim diffed and won , so atleast we could aim , Meow16k dropped 26

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think you can share Scrim screenshots anyways
This Legion of Valkyries tournament

posted about 3 years ago

Indian male pros struggling to win against no name no org Tier 3 teams while Female teams and players having great performance in VCT GC SEA and VLT Asteria managed to defeat AE Celeste which is like one of the best teams in the Female Circuit

posted about 3 years ago

They are , it's some bug maybe

posted about 3 years ago

By Charity I mean they are giving away money because we can't win anyways lmao

posted about 3 years ago

true :)

posted about 3 years ago

oh good
People are realising what I said weeks before was true after all :)

posted about 3 years ago

timestamp ?

posted about 3 years ago

They did better than VLT and GE did on Mumbai servers

posted about 3 years ago

Holy shit wtf happened to them suddenly how are they so good
Everyone is fragging out and pretty good decision making as well

posted about 3 years ago

VLT could only beat old Bleed where 3 members weren't even practicing
Engima can't even beat VLT or GE consistently so expecting them to beat SEA teams would be foolery
And a bunch of other Indian teams got knocked out in RO128 itself in Bleed
We have been going through tough times since a long time

posted about 3 years ago

I'm sorry for overhyping our teams so much , we can't win against even Tier 3 teams and barely won against a no name no org just friends Tier 5 team
Forget 1 team we are a 1 player ( SkRossi ) region
Bitter but hard facts , hope things change in the future , will still remain a fan because emotions :)

posted about 3 years ago

by that logic star players should never leave their OG teams , tenz should have never left C9 DM should have never left GodL etc etc
Yeah that's all fine and good but when you can clearly see that your team can't even fathom reaching the level to support then you should gtfo there
Don't waste your talent for emotions , emotions don't win your trophies

posted about 3 years ago

Just go join a Tier 2 SEA team even that would be better

posted about 3 years ago

Please Rossi for god's sake go find another team you deserve way way better

posted about 3 years ago

I'm not mad I'm just disappointed
Why are we so bad man :(

posted about 3 years ago

It's pretty much the same , huge org with unlimited money formed by a superstar player/streamer , large and toxic fanbase , anyone who joins gets instantly boosted in terms of following , called the FaZe clan of their respective regions because of heavy focus on content creation etc

posted about 3 years ago

For Indians , from what I'm reading LOUD seems like Brazil's S8UL

posted about 3 years ago

There was even one called "SmellyButtHole" , I think it got changed

posted about 3 years ago

FS is Indian team
But yeah SEA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SA it's not even close

posted about 3 years ago
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