Flag: United States
Registered: February 1, 2023
Last post: December 17, 2024 at 9:12 AM
Posts: 41

He made a post about looking for an aim coach a while back. I think he's been training since then. His aim has definitely improved.

posted 2 months ago

I can already imagine the smirk on his face when he aces with his jett knives against BiliBili gaming

posted 8 months ago

One would assume Victor would be the primary duelist for the team but I've never seen him play Jett. Maybe s0m would play Jett on some maps and Victor would play Raze on the rest. I always liked s0ms jett when he was the primary duelist for the old NRG roster.

I really wanted to see how FNS would work with Demon1. Would he have had the same success with him as he did with Yay?

posted 8 months ago

Saying "kick that fraud" on a picture of him crying is not normal behavior. You don't have to be nice or even like him but no need to kick someone when they are down by saying such things.

posted 8 months ago

Of all the players on Gen.G bro said please goat Lakia 💀

posted 11 months ago
  • Godly Util
  • All round defining impact kills even if he's bottom fragging
  • Good mental, keeps the team focused
  • Bald
posted 11 months ago

There's a reason only 0.03% of players are radiant. You can play forever and still be hardstuck plat or diamond. I agree that if you put enough time in you have a chance to hit radiant but to say anyone can is a STRETCH.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Then what does? Lmao

posted 11 months ago

Here are some answers i have found on VLR and Twitter:

Big Cock Johnson
Bench Cleaner Johnson
Bouta Cum Johnson
Bot Cena Johnson
Bang Cock Johnson
Bhen Chod Johnson (?)
Been Cookin Johnson
Behemoth Cock Johnson
Big Cunt Johnson

What does it actually stand for?

posted about a year ago

Like yeah hes the "IGL" but i don't see any big impact from him being on the team. There's absolutely no structure. How bad do you have to be to be given some of the best talents in Valorant and still fail so miserably?! So glad my boy TenZ not playing. He has enough on his plate and the hate he would be receiving from this would be too much.

posted about a year ago

我们做出了与 Rory Jackson @dephhgg 分道扬镳的艰难决定。 Dephh 将加入 T3 Chinese Valorant 团队。他已经在学习中文了。 #多邻国

posted about a year ago

Som? It used to be Bang but Som has been playing INSANE.

posted about a year ago

Man had 5 kills in 24 rounds! This would have been an easy 2-0 man.

posted about a year ago

Lil bro made an account just to hate

posted about a year ago

It's unfortunate really. People blamed Shahzam for not doing enough when in reality there wasnt much he could do. He said that when he recommended coaches like Sean Gares to the ORG the ORG did not want to pay the salary they were asking. If the ORG is unwilling to get a coach how much can an IGL do alone?

FNS is undoubtedly one of the best IGLs in NA but even him without CHET would find it immensely difficult to do everything alone. Vod reviews, comps, ideas, starts, etc. I mean Shahzam has a person life as well. He is human afterall. How can he possibly make time for himself when he has to do all that alone?

If the organization CLEARLY didn't care enough to get that team a coach and analyst then why should Shahzam care Kekw.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah but i doubt they would join for free. Toast is not paying the GC players.

posted about a year ago

His gf landed in Japan today for their trip. Shahz will join her later after the matches. Maybe its something related to that.

posted about a year ago

If you know you know

posted about a year ago

Ohhhh I was implying that Chambers would put up unreal numbers. Yay would be dropping 25+ every map on Chamber. He can't do that on sage because he has to play around his team now. Wall, plant, heal etc. No more agro plays and first bloods

posted about a year ago

Also, no where did I say he was! I was he used to play chamber (Like Yay and TenZ) and is now playing sage ( LIKE YAY AND TENZ). I'm not sure why you thought i was comparing them.

posted about a year ago

I was talking specifically about his Chamber. If you are saying his Chamber wasn't good then idk what to tell you.

posted about a year ago

I want to say its the meta shift since the Chamber nerf but that's not entirely it. Mada would put UNREAL numbers on Raze. I remember he dropped 30+ on bind against old SEN. And he was consistent! Bdog is insane on the OP. No chamber no plays. He's stuck on sage, same as most/all Chamber mains (Yay/TenZ). They're not putting up numbers either.

Tldr: Mental go boom

posted about a year ago

Might as well get EEIU, Nismo, Zandar, and Koalanoob too then.

New M80 will be:


posted about a year ago

In terms of IGLing i would agree but I think Shahzam is alot better at clutches and solo plays than Dephh is. Shahzam doesn't top the leader board in kills but the kills he gets are round defining.

posted about a year ago

No one likes to lose. A team playing with nothing to lose is the most dangerous one of them all. Props to shahz for the clean shots. Props to the whole team. Double props to OXY for being cracked.

posted about a year ago


  • pANcada
  • Veelaskaz
  • ?
  • ?

Team Tarik:

  • G2 Mimi
  • Paula
  • SirMaza
  • ?
  • ?

pANcada solos team Tarik? Team Tariks next 2 members need to be Dasnarth and Optic Forsaken.

posted about 2 years ago

Important to note that bcJ haf sided with a person who was defending Caris before NRG Seth exposed her. The tweet is now deleted but the reply is still there.

bcJ started receiving hate messages for siding without someone before knowing the whole story. Which is why is blocked SicK.

posted about 2 years ago

He's immensely stressed and depressed. He thinks everyone is out to get him. His tweets are the cry for help. He is Alone. He is Lonely. He is Scared. Hopefully time will heal everyone. For someone to be pushed so far that their whole personality splits is heart breaking to watch. He's a man under scrutiny trying to mend his heart while paranoid about people trying to stab him in the back.

posted about 2 years ago

He was not allowed to sit with them during scrims and team talks. He was allowed to use the prac room AFTER everyone was done. Obviously some players where just playing ranked when he was streaming.

posted about 2 years ago

I will make more minor additional information:

1 - Kyedae. He did not flirt with her, he made her feel uncomfortable because SicK was venting how he felt and it was a lot for Kyedae. It's important to note thag SicK does not get along with his family so his friends are all he is. He considers Kyedae a friend and values her advice.

2 - Caris. Everyone knows what happened here. [ Over reaction ]

3 - Dephh. Okay this threw me off. Dephhs wife took shots at Dapr and SicK. She replied to Sinatras ex's tweet calling sick the most insufferable person ever. Sick retweeted that with the caption "What is this my friend?" To which Dephh messaged him PUBLICLY in the SEN group chat telling him not to talk about his fiance. Even though his fiance was the one who took shots at sick first.

4 - TenZ. I hacking love TenZ.

posted about 2 years ago

I felt like he was having a hard time getting his point across but here's what I understood.

1 - The ORG told SicK to stay away from the team 2 days before their match. (This was before his old sen team tweet or beef with Dephh's wife) - Sick was okay with this

2- They wouldn't let him enter the venue to watch the game. The org ignored his calls and attempts to contact them to find a way in. - Sick was immensely embarrassed as he was with some Brazilian friends and could not get in despite being on the team.

3 - He felt betrayed and disrespected because even though he's technically on the team and on the ORG they secluded him from everything. He said the ORG was more interested in taking content shots with Kyedae than accepting his existence. SicK had no problem with that, he just wanted to feel as if he was part of the ORG and team.

The stuff with Caris and Dephhs wife was all after and SicK made it clear that that wasn't what hurt him.

Overall, L Org for making a player feel so lonely. Yeah okay he's the 6th man but he's still part of the team. No reason to treat the guy like he's not there.

posted about 2 years ago

He obviously wouldn't post a picture like that on Social Media for the world to see if he was cheating. Caris herself admited he isn't cheating. He most likely just posted it to get her jealous since they are feuding.

Also, let the man loose! He's been quiet for way too long! He's been holding stuff in since 2021. Something happened in Brazil to make him burst. If you've been following sick for a while you'll know he's not a bad person. He's just going through something. Lets just hope he gets well soon!

posted about 2 years ago

Are you 9?

posted about 2 years ago

How would it work? Im new to this and I've never heard of a 10 man team in Valorant. Would certain players play certain maps? If so, would that mess up the team dynamic? Playing with different players isn't the best. Thats why 5 man teams bootcamp to get really familiar of their teammates playstyles.

posted about 2 years ago