Flag: Canada
Registered: August 27, 2022
Last post: February 1, 2024 at 10:45 PM
Posts: 4

let's take the swamp comp, the roles could be:

Demon1 Jett, Marved Harbor, Crashies Viper, Victor KJ, Ethan Skye

crashies can play viper if need, so can Vic technically

posted about a year ago

Demon1 - Astra | Victor - Raze | crashies - Killjoy | Marved - Viper | Ethan - Skye

Demon1 - Killjoy | Victor - Raze | crashies - Skye | Marved - Viper | Ethan - Omen

Demon1 - Killjoy | Victor - Raze | crashies - Viper | Marved - Omen | Ethan - Skye

Demon1 - Reyna | Victor - Iso | crashies - Neon | Marved - Yoru | Ethan - Phoenix

posted about a year ago

Good thing is now they have an actual way to play double controller comps that's not putting koala on Omen.

Now they can have BCJ Omen, Zander Viper, Koala Raze, Nismo Skye, Nitr0 KJ for example. They really couldn't do this with eeiu before because he couldn't play anything but skye in this comp, but neither could nismo, so they had to run off meta comps or else play koala omen.

posted about a year ago