LETS GO T1!!!!!!!
Flag: | Australia |
Registered: | April 3, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 11:39 AM |
Posts: | 24 |
But as the sun sets and the moon rises in SEA the tide rises and the moon is high the dark knights will merge from the depths of the sea. Fear then fight them banish them from this land. Liquid has slaughtered the cult of heretics they have shattered the stans of sentinels what’s a G2 to 5 men in blue. Lists go Liquid!!!
LIQUID HAVE NEVER LOST a Bo5 Win this and they win tournament
He is just a player who is really effected by feelings and emotions he talked about it on stream and other talked about how he is insane like sliggy his ex coach. his aim is really sick tenz said it reminds him of people like yay and demon 1 just the ability to tap so comfortability he just isn't able to reflect it outside of scrims. BUT i think next year he will proabaly play teir 1 with or without APEKS winning ascseion. He has nothing to lose he has gone teir two and should go back to 1 if they manage to win hopefuolly apeks
Lets go This sick ive been prayying for this for 6 months
Pancada would be fire
but then again everyone tryin to sign him rn
QCK is a option too
would love to see dzgin again
The biggest issue in the lead up to trav's benching was followed up by Sliggy the ex coach of TL losing his shit because of the poor quality of Tl they had no IGL througth out their whole pre franchising.
Kryptix - left because of personal reasons regarding his relationships with his GF i think and other stuff
L1nk - was benched because TL were finding difficulties with their performances if i'm not wrong and it was jsut the whole issue of no caller no igl and they could pull througth. They ended up benching him and trayying Dreamas then sliggy left. they got Emil and dima finished lcq went to champs
he beat you guys thougth back in champs 2021
Bro its important especially for younger players to have the time and assistance we really dont want a flippin twisten situation again it would be so flippin heartbreaking
And TBH i think guy is just mad that brazil got absolutely clapped in Americas and is your crying right now in his mums basement
To summarise using COPIUM the best way for TL to qualify is
FNC lose to NAVI 0-2
VIT lose to KOI 0-2
BBL lose to both GX & FUT 0-4
KC lose to TH (Not that it matters)
TL win 2-0
and if that happens (which wont :( ) then every team in Group Alpha will be 3-3
BBL 3-3 6-7
KC 3-3 8-7
FNC 3-3 6-7
VIT 3-3 6-9
TL 3-3 7-7
going to MAP diff it would mean
KC 1st TL 2nd
leaving FNC, BBL, VIT fighting over 3rd seed however literally 1 map win for the other teams in alpha just straight up halves the already tiny chance TL has. so RIP liquid I guess
JhonQT lol sentinal player for sentinals
Zyppan bro he plays raze and literally all the flash initiators
Jammpi flex no they made him play so many agents and are making him more flex
Enzo for initiator your doing trent so why not enzo
is zest just not a recon player
Sugar zero for smokes
k1ng for sentinal Buzz for sentinal RB for sentinal hello
ive lost my shit lmao
thats what im sayying but like tenz really cool and i like him but ye no zellzis is 100% the better pick but then again i think tenz should be allowed to play if map is BIND cause his yoru is best in the world. but i think thats gonna be the perma ban
But like linking all the way back to the topic PANCADA IS GOATED STFU people he hasnt been playying smokes this whole time look at the match SEN vs OXG man came back after BDAY, holiday, SICK and proceeds to $&#% on OXG. bro he is insane and SEN utlised him poorly going back to the absurd paragraph above in the Ludwig tarick invi he was crazy on brim and sacy was too this was their 2 weeks practice on fracture where sen popped the flip off like look at tenz map 1 18 something assist. first ever kayo game for him i think map 2 33+ kills on jett him and zekken sumrfing on TSM the thing is they had a F@$%#%^$# sen player DEPPH hello his 3 highest agents are cypher kj and astra. so why did they do all this role swap mumble jumbo because sacy wasnt that good at skye and skye was meta and honestly i could not give a F just put him on it anyway let depph play his comfort. but idk i also heard rumours depph wasnt comfortable for some crap reason idk im just unloading my mind soz
BRO sacy and pancada are world champions. they absolutely stomped optic and prob should have won masters but optic gameplan was simpily absurdly good. they came back at champions because pAncada actually locked the flip in. they were consistant in masters if anyone was shit it was less he played horribally in the B05. sacy and pancada were actually consistant they were setting up aspas so well. In champions sacy was insane he out fragged aspas whislt setting his team up for succes so well. zekkens insane and so is zellsis. we are not having another IGL issue for gods sake we just need to BENCH tenz please. like pls understand i dont hate him i love him ive been following his journey from the start but SEN screwed their 2022 development because they jsut didnt make changes to any of their strats or team comp and didnt adapt to meta. their EGO of basically being the best NA team(at the time), winning 15-0 and being terrifying in general ruined their season. in 2023 they honestly the roster was fine but Depph ruined the role issues like if u look at MXS sen vs tsm fracture it looked insane and everyone was on confort picks and depph was brilliant. then they dropped him due to role issues and shit. like week 3 in sen vs lev they put sacy on viper. the reason he was been so incosistant this season has been because if u watch whole loud 2022 he only played 3 agents preety much BREACH, SOVA and FADE. he never played kayo, skye that was shaadak. he came in and had to adapt because 2 controller 2 duelsit so much stronger and he had to go to skye cause she is simpily better then sova and fade at the time of america season which impacted sacy alot and u could see this discomfort he was put on Sage agansist 100t split and brim on fracture hello he plays breach?? MXS event was peak for sen then tehy literaly shuffled roles and made pancada play perma KJ, viper and astra. NO OMEN OR BRIM which are his 2 best agents. depph whose calling was actually decent in mxs like i think it was round 6 he pulled a insane fake on A lurked B and dragged the enemies to A so well. he looked really good on SEN role and sacy and pancada looked insane. idk why they role swapped if pancada wants to lurk just let him you dont need him to play KJ to do so like depph agent pool is ASTRA, CYPHER!! and KJ!!!! bro you cant say sacy and pancada are shit when sen have made them fucking change so much
NGL sen 6 man rotation roster would be fire. just have tenz come in for Bind and prob sunset and have zellsis stay on main cause he just looks infintely better as well as the comm impact his so vocal and he is a very strong emotional leader
fair according to RIOT val data base he still got till 2025
Giants are keeping cloud but ye cloud would be good but i would rather Cloud take Jamppi role and he takes soulcas role but i dont think it will be possiable cause cloud is insane he was the 2nd option after leo during rostermania
honestly i agree with you if Marved does leave according the speculations u have so much to choose from
SOM, Zander, BCJ, players from GAURD AND M80
I think the Current TL isn't bad with soulcas yes his bad compared to others but if u look at his stats during LCQ and Champs 2022 he actually was insane especially against optic on breeze. with Breeze coming back into rotation we will prob see Liquid rise up. the roster isnt bad by all means the issue was in my opinion. Was just rougth start which was because they didn't set their role issues out. Soulcas has the higest assist rate in EMEA along Redgar and chronicle. additionaly his Headshot is very high when this game is built around rifle headshot 1 shot. You really just need to polish this roster up. Bacon has been doing all the work this year as TL had 2 others lined up to help him 1 was QPert or what ever his name was he was stolen by C9. TL also need to be more Discipline. If you watch Fanatic Lock in and tokyo they were being very discipline with Boaster basically as a coach and kept his team under control. from watching Fanatic voice coms you can hear this alot from Boaster. Mini is there to help boaster like his name MINI jake he basically keeps Jake discipline and to stop over aggressing, fuel him with ideas etc.
So i dont think this roster needs real changes. try 1 more Year if then there is issues drop prob redgar and Soulcas. cause a issue with teams is they drop people too fast let them cook.
but if we do drop Ye Zyppan great option or FAKEANANAS Nat's friend who is a initiator main could be great. IGL might be overated.
I think riot have just taken the League of legends system
Example in league you have spring and summer and the first one gives you points and takes you to the MSI(in vals case masters) and the we have Spring which gives points again and winners go to Worlds (Champs) like in korea there is a slot of spring winner, most points, then a elmination breacket for the remainder. I will imagie it will be sort of like the 2021 val season where points matter and give u a cahnce to go to champs and then masters winners go to champs and give region a slot like gambits win back in 2021 we will see its intresting thougth
nah man more like this
but yes liquid bias