Flag: Canada
Registered: August 19, 2022
Last post: January 24, 2025 at 10:32 PM
Posts: 62
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i don't see any mid rounding on attack rounds? 100T are so readable on attack, i'm not sure what Boostio does, because he is not fraging either.

posted 1 month ago

100T being Asuna and friends in 2025 is wild. How many 1v1 eeiu lost on defense back of A site? like three, same pause, same swing. Zander is quiet second game in a row. Life of 100t fans is trully tragic.

posted 1 month ago

they are potentially TOP3 in their region. The only thing that i didn't like last season was IGLing VS good teams. It felt like if they didn't had a plan prepped they couldn't pivot during the match. Yes. let's hit the same site with 4 defenders 5 times in a row. Why make noise on the other side of the map? Why be proactive on defense?

posted 3 months ago

fns can't ace on the eco round in Grand finals of Champions.

posted 6 months ago

G2 are just smarter. i'm constantly impressed with calling. strategies and layers to their play.
100T will be the team to lose to KRU now.

posted 7 months ago

they need someone who can do map picks and bans for them. Before this match 100T lost 3 binds in a row, they've had an option to pick Icebox, which LOUD hasn't won since Stage 1. I feel like they still think they can win on Bind without changing anything.

posted 7 months ago

It's like LOUD's Harbor-Viper, dominated first half of the year with it, then everyone else became better with the comp.

posted 7 months ago

100T is always crumble under pressure, i swear it's in the org DNA. It should have been like 13-8 on Bind for 100T. So many rounds with questionable decisions. Prayge for MAP 3.

posted 7 months ago

Cryo been under-performing since that god game vs FUT, need him to be active or they will lose, can't underestimate Potter the goat.

posted 7 months ago

back to being sad 100T fan. so many fundamental mistakes, they look like they've been together 2 months. I don't know about that haven comp as well.

posted 8 months ago

+46 with whole team being negative is certainly valorant game of all time

posted 8 months ago

but there are only 96

posted 8 months ago

So disappointed, attack on both maps were just instahit after instahit, no map control, no adaptation. It's liked i watched team without IGL, no time to midround if you just run into 3 or 4 stack each round, because they know where you are going each round. It's just mud, you can't play in the mud vs GENG, they are all shooters. Hope it's a wake up call.

posted 8 months ago

Win with 2 different teams and so soon would be goated.

posted 8 months ago

stylistically PRX are good match for G2, but i fear they won't match them mechanically. You can have better strats, but still get guy diffed.
Need Valyn in his Americas playoff form, Trent was quiet as well. If everyone shows up on G2 - they have a chance. It's also unlucky to play them so early in the bracket, PRX usually have new tricks prepared for each event.

posted 9 months ago

It's not that he is a bum, but last year on 100T all 5 people were very quiet and introverted. They lost a lot of confidence during the season. Team chemistry thing, vibes thing.
Stellar is decent fragger and ok IGL. Probably can be successful in different kind of system.

posted 9 months ago

He should buy tiger plushy, put it on his desk - don't touch it all game, maybe give it some kisses.
But if they win - rip tiger's head off. Make VCT stage a Colosseum, i want to be entertained.

posted 9 months ago

100T are 6-1 on it

posted 9 months ago

outlaw forces losing team not to buy at all second round, so less damage dealt to winning team. Because of it team that won pistol has decent buy on third round, if you win - your ults are probably close to being ready. A lot of maps with not only 3-0 start, but 5, 6, 7 rounds in a row.

posted 9 months ago

who is playing raze on NRG?

posted 9 months ago

to be fair, he is constantly top frag or almost top frag. He was feeling.

posted 9 months ago

not even close.
why do they do us 100T fans like that. I'm gonna pass out.

posted 9 months ago

i think both LOUD and 100T are top 4, so it's sad this match is single-elimination

posted 9 months ago

100T's Bind is an only confident map from them. Loud have shaky half of the maps, it's basically will be decided in map veto. Sad it's a single elimination, I think LOUD and 100T both are top 4.

posted 9 months ago

I never met a person who knows multiple languages who would correct someone else's grammar or vocabulary, especially incorrectly, because they experienced process of learning another language before. It's probably immaturity. I forget that there could be a kid behind the keyboard.

posted 10 months ago

give them a chance, the meta fits them very well, they have really high percentages of trades and insane aim. That's why they are 5-0. I don't get this "stealing a spot" narrative. a spot from who? from sentinels? they have 3 teams between them on the leaderboard.

posted 10 months ago

NRG doesn't know how to attack on some maps, like at all. 100T has a same problem, but they are not as extreme of case as NRG. That's what lite means in this case. 20% of Canada's population is immigrants. English is my third language. You and I both speak English because that is an only language you know.
USA has exaggerated stereotypes, but you shouldn't fully commit to them. I don't know, be better.

posted 10 months ago

yeah, Cryo sold so many round on defense last map, should have been 9-3 half, but 100T's attack midrounding is what stops them from being a great team. Its giving NRG lite, not that bad of course, but 100% all 3 maps were lost on attack. even breeze. They just won by hero plays with knives from Cryo.
Boostio is not bringing great attack side midrounding and isn't shooting back too.
I don't know what is he focusing on. Just sad 100T fan's thoughts.

posted 10 months ago

he had like one aggressive round the whole of 2023, i'm just glad that he is more confident and aggressive this year, because he is in the same category as Demon1 and Yay, who excel at defense passive operator/holding angle gameplay, but never were too good on entries. Even if it 100% a cooked up plan, who cares?

posted 10 months ago

attack side IGLing, they look lost, it's either very slow or very fast. Looking like 100T last year

posted 10 months ago

Termi's team is 4-0 and they look like best team in APAC currently. Navi look top 3 at minimum as well. What is this bait list?

posted 10 months ago

he just said: "hit sites - they can't hold them"

posted 10 months ago

i don't know why pick sage/viper and play defense like that, it should have been easiest win second half of ascent for LEV.
yeah, everyone will blame c0m, but everyone threw on LEV

posted 10 months ago

SEN won raze maps, GenG won jett maps, not looking good for Sentinels for Icebox.

posted 11 months ago

it looked like they wanted to pick it themselves, probably worked against EU teams in scrims, who can't play the map.

posted 11 months ago

There is so much VODs on Sentinels and they are in Madrid now, 100T 2-1, last time i'm believing in them.

posted 11 months ago

It just shows how much holes he covered because of Demon1's inability to play raze. DAWGEMO for the win.

posted 11 months ago

we still haven't seen a raze map out of them, which i think where troubles will be for NRG. Give them time to figure stuff out.

posted 11 months ago

roles on bleed don't make any sense

posted about a year ago

FNC Derke
FNC Boaster
FNC Alfajer
FNC Chronicle

posted about a year ago

Boostio is good for a team with a lot of young talent. I think it will take a lot of time, they will need to become more flexible. Maybe will be really good in a year. I just want to see progress in 2024. And please learn to attack.

posted about a year ago

she was sleeping in upperfinals 2 days ago, glad she is activated for grandfinals, go flor, first bullet-headshot accuracy is great.

posted about a year ago

have notice in previous 2 matches how many mistakes SR made. Finally good enough team to punish it. Hope for closer map 2.

posted about a year ago

i don't know that i would go that far, but they all very passive and not confident.

posted about a year ago

Nothing new, just another day in a life of 100T fan. Sadge

posted about a year ago

Chronicle and Boostio were having a bot-off today, while previously having a mad impact in their games.

posted about a year ago

I think PRX will win given that they played very close 2-1 against both LOUD and EG, so 2 map bans would have given any of TOP 3 teams a huge advantage.
I really like every team in TOP 3, but GG PRX.

posted about a year ago

Ace on Brim is impressive, good utility as well, playing aroung the smoke.

posted about a year ago
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