Flag: Portugal
Registered: December 21, 2021
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 1:20 PM
Posts: 14

he is not wrong, in theory more methodical teams are easier to read.

posted about a year ago

if they win the champs i would maybe agreed, but they lost to loud looking like shit.

posted about a year ago

JP who has rumord of beeing their priority before onur, he is now on Gamelanders, maybe him too, Gatti probably has some chance of beeing their coach.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Gatti deve receber bem no trabalho dele, talvez as propostas de salario que ele recebeu não sejam boas o suficiente pra largar o trabalho e se dedicar ao valorant.

posted about 3 years ago

o cara que vocês colocaram como coach na NiP, não sei se faz tanto sentido, ele interage com todos os times menos com os caras cotados pra NiP. Ele fez um tweet ontem pedindo os treinos lá, não teve um membro da NiP que deu RT. Ou ele esta enganando muito bem, ou esta em outro time.

posted about 3 years ago

AbleJ is between mibr and nip, i dont count him on nip certantly

posted about 3 years ago

a team is not based in 2 duelists....

posted about 3 years ago

i saw a lot of potencial on them, manly because they all are young players.

posted about 3 years ago

this nip roster based in Xand and Jonn will be ridiculous bad, if they find a decent IGL they may have a chance to be top 4/5, if they dont, they will be kicked off the org with less than a season...and based on the braziliam scene, all the decent IGLs have already have a team...

posted about 3 years ago

a solid base from the Portuguesa roster that will probably be the majority of the team, at least 3 players, i bet in rnd, gustinha and prince.

posted about 3 years ago

heard about Keyd payed something arround 700k reais to Gamelanders to have him.

posted about 3 years ago

dude, you really have no ideia what your talking about kkkkkkkkk

posted about 3 years ago

1 - Vivo Keyd ( already a good team, they only have to keep there work.)
2 - LOUD (long term speaking, they will probably take the 1st spot from keyd, but right know they had to adapt mainly because sadhak going to switch roles and he is there IGL, so he going to need some time.)
3 - Gamelanders ( they have probably the second best Operator player in Brazil that is Dgzin, v1nny is a very decent sova and good IGL thats why godsent where trying to sign him, they going to had chase thats an 16yo kid with a lot of potencial, and probably Nyang liking or not, he is at least top 3 smoke player in brazil and a pretty decent clutch player, the big question is about there 5th member thats going to be there sentinel player, if they sign someone with potencial i see them really showing some good valorant).
4 - Furia they had a pretty decent base with mazin, qck, khalil and nzr, but they dont have many options for their jett, and for what a heard, they are still strugling to find and IGL for there team, so we may see another different name in this roster for 2022.
5 - Los Grandes i dont see anyone talking about them, but looks like there team will be a mix from portuguesa pleets and +1 player, soh they will probably start with a solid base, so thats give them some adventage.
6 - mibr if they find a decent operator player they could be higher in this list, but right know, i dont see that happen ( consider that the lineup will be the one the rumors are saying)
7 - NiP with all the respect Xand and Jonn are limited players, very skilled but literally no brain, both play a dumb game, they two at the same team, looks crazy to me, the other names they are trying to put in the lineup excluding AbleJ are defnetly mediocre players, and they still dont sign any IGL, so dumb game without anyone to organize the team ( they even have sign a coach yet)
8 - Liberty since masters Berlin a team who have to prove themselvs, but i dont see any improvments switching from Pleets to glym, i like Shion and Krain games a lot, but the rest of the team defently are not at there lvl.
?Sharks to be honest the are the bigest doubt to me right now, they could be a big surprise or a giant upset, soh i prefer dont list them right now.

posted about 3 years ago