Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 22, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 5:22 PM
Posts: 21

man doesnt watch a valorant tournament since 2021

posted 10 months ago

loud literalmente foi campeã do NA logo depois de perder sacy e pancada, e agora top 4 do mundo depois de perder um dos melhores duelistas do mundo, do que você ta falando amigo?

posted 10 months ago

what you mean, they are playing really well geting to finals and getting to the last map, its a good result considering the lack of (non moba)fps history for most of asian regions, they have the potential to

posted 10 months ago

yes, but the violent part is in a way a correct way to put it, lan house and cafes are very popular in korea and one of the reasons LOL grew so much, these places are known for not allowing CS because of terms like "terrorists", "bombs" and real weapon names, thats why valorant changed all of this language for weird stuff like "spyke"

posted 10 months ago

i'm gonna need to learn a new role, just being able to reyna shield and self ress its enouth to make this be instapicked so hard in soloq till its nerfed, for real competitive play, i can see teams that play 2 controlers puting her in the place of omen in a few maps

posted 10 months ago

stop using overwatch as a comparison to valorant, the game is WAY closer to Counter Strike, and in CS asian servers in general were never that good, especially cause of the backlash for the game being "violent" and stuff, but they do have great strats in valorant, but i doubt the entire region will be as dominant as it is in mobas

posted 10 months ago

they did and they can do it again, they just have to work that map pool, loud was not read for a B05 that long and sen played those 2 first maps really well, that broke them

posted 10 months ago

the problem is that loud got used to aspas being an amazing operator, they put jett and a Op on the hands of qck and he dies first every time, but as a rifler he is atleast tier A

posted 10 months ago

bro, sacy is doing the util, and being able to follow most plays, he is not the star fragger of the team, its a supporting hole and he is doing it really well, plus he shines sometimes and brings good rounds, thats enough

posted 11 months ago

"work in progress pre-alpha" the game barelly exists, and to be real it looks like its some unreal store stuff thrown together for a few views, there is no name because there is probably no game

posted 11 months ago

there is no masculinity or happiness in "doing the real shooting" plus be real, nobody is talking shit agains the people that fought the nazis, we are hating the government that kills innocent people for greediness like the USA did and still does in the middle eastern

posted 11 months ago

well its a tournament so it goes on the history books i guess, both of them have the madrid slot, but the winner gets 3 points for champions, idk exactly how it works but with enough points you wouldnt need to get top 3 on the vct stage 2 to get to champions

posted 11 months ago

i don't even care about the discussion i just wanted to be a part of something

posted about a year ago

sure man, why dont you go back to putting some pubg mobile gameplays on youtube?

posted about 3 years ago

"indian_tenz_3" surelly the name of a genius LMAO

posted about 3 years ago

what? yeah, we know, but either everyone can use the spot or nobody can use it, its called being fair, if you punish only one of then, its unfair, its not about teams or nations, it could be any team doing this, its about following the rules they made

posted about 3 years ago

its a comparison of the camera positions in both minimaps, its clearly the same spot

posted about 3 years ago

really want for brazilian teams to go well (kinda obvious cause flag), but scrims dont really prove a lot, sometimes they were expecting them to be on a really low level and got surprised by and ok performance, we will only know the truth in 2 days, but real high hopes for vks and sharks

posted about 3 years ago

In CS stuff like counter strafe is way more important, you have the need to learn recoil control, flashes and smokes are harder and limited per player, positioning is harder because you dont have huge jumps and dashes or imortality like Reyna so you cant get on a dangerous position get a kill and leave, so thats why its harder to be a king in CS, it is easier for him because he is already a good player with lots of knowledge about the game, that puts him above most players, something that doesnt happen in valorant as those things got watered down for the average guy to learn like point and click smokes and flashes through walls

posted about 3 years ago