Flag: Colombia
Registered: April 23, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2022 at 12:41 PM
Posts: 4

this is better than the general 1 map advantage given to the upper bracket team.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeeep, confirmed that loud has 2 vetos and first pick, what I imagined.
In general (CSGO) the upper bracket team has a 1 map advantage, I like riot way the most, 2 bans and first pick, big advantage, but you still gotta win 3 maps.

Will be interesting seeing this game without Fracture and Split, and Breeze in play, great advantage for Loud IMO.

posted about 2 years ago

So how does it go?

Loud bans
Loud picks
Optic bans
Optic picks
Loud picks
Opitc picks
Last map


Loud bans
Loud picks
Optic picks
Loud picks

Optic bans
Optic picks
Loud picks
Last map

When does the optic ban come? It will decide if they get to play both Ascent and Breeze or not, and that for me is where the most important part of the series is decided.

posted about 2 years ago

I've seen in some places Loud have 2 bans, it's their advantage for winning upper bracket, but i'm not sure. If true, then:

Loud bans Fracture
Loud picks Ascent
Opitc Picks Split
Loud bans Haven
Loud picks Breeze
Optic picks Bind
Icebox last map

I saw this in twitter, can anyone confirm?

posted about 2 years ago