Don't even bother, VK got 5-0 by Nip before this win, but they finally won so they're good in his head, but when Lev get results they're still bad, just copium
Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | March 24, 2022 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 12:44 PM |
Posts: | 1022 |
Don't even bother, VK got 5-0 by Nip before this win, but they finally won so they're good in his head, but when Lev get results they're still bad, just copium
Not even the same roster or coaching staff, VK couldn't win for almost a year against NIP but now they did, makes you wonder why!!
and they are bigger than APAC and KR/JP combined too right?, then they deserve 3 slots too?
they literally are? thats why they get a respective slot for themselves and are not combined, then play each other to gain more slots for their region, APAC have 2 slots plus APAC LCQ, just because riot does not want to do a region vs region for you guys does not mean we are only 1 region.
Wdym lol, LATAM is getting 2 spots while APAC 3, is APAC the same as EMEA or NA now?
What? SA does not exist bro, this is like saying why Asia is getting 6 slots while everyone else is not
Damn, a jinx or he is just a overhyped player I wonder
Sorry but Eduardo gaming is first, bait list.
Muy fácil, porque hablo desde lo competitivo y no desde lo personal, para hablar desde lo personal tengo los otros 1000 threads dónde defendí a latam
Wow thanks trembo!
ngl i did not expect to see my name there, good bye!!!
But i said they are not, just as BR and LATAM, i was using it as an example, sorry for the misunderstanding
So? It's not only about population, you may understand that as you're upset some EMEA teams are not making it
LATAM is also LAN (caribe and mexico) who is closer to NA than SA, so no, they are not more separated sorry
If you think that way, Asia has 6 slots at champs while EMEA only 3, but it's not like that, they are different regions, just as LATAM/BR
Chill bro, this is the least toxic thread till now, just ignore it if you don't like it, fr it's nothing about region vs region
I never had a flag, can I be edg fan too? I have one of their skins in lol
Bro, he was dissing trembo and VK, nothing furia - kru related
Bro didn't notice your flag got updated:(
I don't think you should take sides ofc, but when the shittalk is not related in any way to valorant I think you should act.
For example: this guy and this guy (this one thread got deleted) are from both "sides", but they were doing xenophobic remarks.
Idk if you're being genuine or not as you made comments about Argentina's wealth, but yeah Bariloche is pretty popular between br people, they were a lot of them when I went there this year.
Also I will actually visit Brazil next year, Porto de galhinas to be exact
Those people are not here bro, you can see it here:
But you can see here people defending this chant and calling me poor because of my country.
The thing is, if it's supported or not
Damn, I'm sorry you deeply feel that way, I got called poor 3 times today by a brazillian, but I'm not really upset about all of you because I have br friends who are not like that.
I hope you can find someone that will change your mind!
Epic comeback bro!!
What it is left for the 12th region then:(
You're at the point of delusion of calling a 3-0 a fluke, you could see they were a different team than before, not even running the same comps on their maps, so not even the same strats, their third map (split) against kru proves it.
but yeah!! you didn't even watch the game, you just want to cope as usual, gl with ur sad life LOL
LEV is too, you just forgot we are not a 1 team region like you guys:D
but i have many br friends, i got them in overwatch, hearthstone and fuck even v rising is the most recent.
i really think its the val/lol community
bro, i could do the same with xenophobic remarks from BR all day, the thing is if they get support from their respective communities.
Thats why i posted about a chant from you guys, because it got SUPPORT from you, they were like 500 likes on the thread, its not ok.
damn, but not even a year passed from champs, i guess loud run is irrelevant, only 12th place remains.
glad we agree
3 of them with no likes, 2 does not exist (its repeated), one with 2 likes, other with 1 like and who have the most has 7 likes.
Damn, we really support racism i guess.
oh wait, this are getting more support than the racist comments!
i mean, they got out of groups multiple times already, thats literally infinite amount of times over BR, i don't think they can drag the image of BR lower than that
this is it?
these are getting more traction than that, and they are saying it to the guy who literally began this drama
what, i can't see any of them, can you link me a tweet with supported racism?
I can link at least 4 different xenophobic remarks done for you guys today in this site
what? lmao lil bro didn't even realize the irony of my comment because he's mad and he has to say something unrelated 😭😭😭
i mean he dropped 37 kills, if you think thats luck idk what to say to you lol
what, why would you be sad for that? TBK is a great team, i thought you supported them.
I thought you were depressed for losing to kru once again 😭😭
yes, every single one of the 8 matches 😭😭
damn, he diffed dgzin, what a lucky guy
True, but i guess they are just learning so not much to be done
yes, thats why furia 2-0ed 9z while nip lost to 9z right?
yessss youre not coping!!!
damn, this does not seems like supporting toxicity tbh.
But you can see br people defending this chant in this very thread:)
LOL dude just wanted to do a xenophobic comment, he's mad as fuck