u're just guessing and have no information about it then
Flag: | Argentina |
Registered: | March 24, 2022 |
Last post: | February 3, 2025 at 12:44 PM |
Posts: | 1022 |
u're just guessing and have no information about it then
Sadly the leaks says they will be only 2 teams from LATAM for some reason, and they also want a representative from LATAM NORTH even if they didn't achieve nothing this last 2 years. KRU is indisputed for 1 of the slots.. i hope LEV is the another one considering what they have done till today even if it means no org from LATAM NORTH get another spot.
Im pretty mad about LATAM getting 2 slots only though
They have been improving a lot more than others teams in LATAM this last months, but they get under appreciated for losing 1 time against NIP with other roster and coach staff lol
i mean there is a big difference between be bad and not to be overly impressive. LOUD is not bad in fracture, and they never "fixed it"
recently? they've been playing fracture since br qualifiers what do you mean?
They also won against kru in fracture???
Did you ever get into a team and played that role?
#12 bro literally the same comment as #11 doesn't hurt to read lol
Isn't zeta with a sub?
I live*
I mean I was just dissing you, if you want we can check who replied the most to the other one.
Take it easy!! It's just a joke:)
He said sane br fans come, not sane br fans answer!
i think this too, Onur in LOL at least when he was at LAS t2 scene he was known more because of his "mental coaching" more than strategy. But im sure Onur also helps with analysis
you said it would be " ofc " a 2-1 though. Good reasons, not enough to win a rematch
also lev didn't lost a single ascent last vct plus its lev map choice?? yea lol
LMAO dimasick
depends on the context! In this one it just means "stupid"
yea argentina is more inclined to csgo sadly.
either way we have 6 argentinians in this champions, why can't we comment lol
yeah sure, thats why they got very different results ig
teams cant get better it seems so ig LOUD is getting last place again
not even same roster/coach staff. Also LOUD lost against KRU who got 3-0ed by LEV!
not a surprise, LEV actually won against north sa 1st seed
yeah maybe, can't really tell, LEV and LOUD got a 1 month bootcamp so, we will get to know their real level now.
lol, i said i don't care, not that i wish you guys doing bad haha
2 differents regions, don't care about LOUD doing well
I recon there are some more but anyway it's not a scrimbux then
But how did he scrimmed against KRU and others teams who weren't there yet???
Damn he trolled pretty good it seems.
But I'm pretty sure keznit and mazino just got at istanbul 2 days ago, no way they scrimmed against KRU
Edit: https://twitter.com/keznitdeuS/status/1562854054845300737?t=hIGAspoJeL3NBXJf1V-JzA&s=19
2d ago didn't got access to a PC so it's more likely a troll lol
wow bro sali de la casa de tus viejos antes de hacerte el pseudo intelectual jajaja, te falta demasiado
don't care? i was telling a dude to stop getting baited by a nolifer like you, nothing more wtf
LOL he is a brazillian fakeflagging https://www.vlr.gg/user/alitmanus, dude just got to bait you because he knows what a brazillian dislikes
why is boom so overhyped, the secon seed of APAC won 1 match in 3 vcts, how is the third seed gonna do better lmao
I think anyone can have a more valid opinion than a nolifer who only gets enjoyment baiting people in a game forum.
Nt guessing my rank though
isnt s1mple hardstuck immortal after months playing? (casual ofc) how will inexperience cs players dominate vs val proplayers in valorant lmao, thats just a delusional take
Said the one who was crying in his original comment hahahahahahahah
LOL funny how u just change the topic and bring KRU and LOUD, when i never mentioned them nor their performance has something to do with this thread/discussion.
fr dude touch some grass, hope u get well
no one said only brazillians send death threats, if anything they said u the ones who do it the most.
How is stating a fact, Keznit being so sick that he had to go to the hospital after the game, a delusion?
And if anything, the one who has a hate boner is you? Or you already forgot that you made this account https://www.vlr.gg/user/Delusional_Latam_Fan just to freely insult any LATAM fan and trying to make it seem like we are toxic by baiting any other user???.
Me doing a thread to know about other crowds (no shit, im from LATAM and know mostly things involving LATAM) is not to hate on you lol, and when u consider i just stated a fact there is less reason to feel personally attacked.
Re-read that thread then, it's not only me.
Im sorry that you think i have some kind of hate towards brazillians, but i think thats just a part of ur delusion, its not true. I just stated 2 facts in this thread, u can like it or not, but feeling personally attacked because i mentioned ur country is stupid.
i agree but rn for what i've seen JP's crowd is not that bad compared to eu's crowd.
Really want to see turkish crowd though!
Is making light of a shitty as fuck situation inconvenient and unnecessary just because it involves a bad part of your culture? Literally everyone in that thread thought the same as me, how can you even say that lol.
My purpose is knowing who can have the best crowd, i even praised ur crowd in csgo , who the fuck cares about winning against Furia? How can you make this about it????
And i don't care what you said a day before, stop acting like you were there or your opinion represents ur region in some form.