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Registered: March 17, 2022
Last post: August 30, 2024 at 3:03 AM
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Agree with Ullyr

posted about a year ago

Baldur's Gate 3, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom both clear

posted about a year ago

I know that PRX has a better chance of winning right now. I already told you why I support Fnatic. You are free to think whatever makes you feel good.

posted about a year ago

would they have made it to Tokyo?

posted about a year ago

edit it and remove the link

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Idk how people don't notice this

posted about a year ago

you typed all that to say something that would have fit in a sentence.

posted about a year ago

Alfa didn't really get diffed by Less this time. Less had more kills overall, and Alfajer had more kills against Less. Alfajer was diffed by Loud, not Less.
You could say Less diffed Alfa in Lock//In.

Also, I think Less is MVP for Loud.

posted about a year ago

Sadly, those few certain fans were able to rile up a lot of EMEA users.

posted about a year ago

He played fine on Haven and Split

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Well played DRX. Bind was really good from them.
Fnatic looked pretty awful on attack side, but their defense was good.

posted about a year ago

Bro chill

posted about a year ago

Please kick him.

posted about a year ago

nah Gambit was the best team that tournament.

posted about a year ago

well the bind was useless atleast

posted about a year ago

That was really good from him. Huge round to win.

posted about a year ago

They needed energy yesterday

posted about a year ago

I'm fuming too lol

posted about a year ago

yeah he should have used it

posted about a year ago

Alfa chill, you almost threw the pistol

posted about a year ago

All regions united against Fnatic

posted about a year ago

he used it once and died with it

posted about a year ago

I can still see people posting, Idk what you're talking about.

posted about a year ago

Slow is fine, but 15-second site hit is way too slow and overcooked.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic is still throwing with the 15-second site hits. DRX should be winning this tbh.

posted about a year ago

Lol true

posted about a year ago

Boaster just saved them from the most tilting ace clutch by Mako

posted about a year ago

Did you watch him throw a 2v1 on Bind?

posted about a year ago

Fnatic please play more like you did in round 10

posted about a year ago

Round 10 is how Fnatic needs to play.

posted about a year ago

They looked scared. DRX looked confident and was aggro.

posted about a year ago

they tend to overthink and get slowed down when something goes off plan

posted about a year ago

They just did it again. Gave DRX a free bonus win by playing like snails. When will they learn to play a bit faster?

posted about a year ago

they lost fair and square

posted about a year ago

you don't have to stoop to their level. Every side has some guys who just want to put down others to bring their team up.

posted about a year ago

He's been a top 5 duelist since 2021. He's not the best, but I respect him for being top 5 consistently. Other top duelists like TenZ and cNed fell off much harder.

posted about a year ago

Yeah agreed. Their attack was mid (and they only succeeded in mid, lol).

posted about a year ago

You don't have to diss on APAC. Just say that Fnatic are good. No need to hate on APAC.

posted about a year ago

DRX is more aggro today. FNC just needs confidence. Split is 50/50.

posted about a year ago

Thank DRX.

It's not over yet, DRX can still win.

posted about a year ago

looked good. DRX looked like the better team overall, but Fnatic's defense had decent plays.

posted about a year ago

Yes lol

posted about a year ago

it's like a subconscious bias that just won't go away

posted about a year ago

Yeah, she is kinda biased for Fnc. I don't think she even realizes it.

posted about a year ago

It's either EG or PRX, I think whoever wins the upper final will take the trophy too.

posted about a year ago

PRX missing players is understandable.
The rest of the reasons are their own faults. It's Loud's fault for choking and DRX's fault for playing around with foxy9.

posted about a year ago
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