Flag: Philippines
Registered: June 9, 2023
Last post: February 25, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Posts: 16

nah lev clears

posted 11 months ago

After EG cooked (and fnatic to an extent) with a bunch of new shit, I think a lot of teams have opened up to the idea of playing around with what were typically thought of as "unusable agents". it's been very refreshing to see how diverse agent comps have been. Even for a supposedly figured out map like ascent, we've already been graced with stuff like the LOUD comp. Also, it's not like yoru or phoenix are bad agents either. Yoru has an amazing lurk capability, two very good flashes, and an ult that can be paired with other util to take a site extremely effectively. Phoenix can farm ult constantly and be used to piledrive teams into site.

so, yeah very cool shit to see

posted 11 months ago

I generally dislike bming, but eg's "trashtalk" isn't exactly malicious to any degree. Boostio and Demon1, the two most prolific offenders, have both made efforts to not single any team out and to maintain friendly relationships with the other team, regardless of any narratives set. EG and EDG literally hung out before the match and KangKang was trash talking back; it's a two way street of trash talk and it's perfectly fine. Trash talk the way EG are doing it makes the games that much more entertaining, and if they can't back it up, it's all the more better because you know every single person would absolutely shit on EG if they lose that game. To address Gais, he had a mental break because he knew they needed that first map, and PRX are generally a demoralizing team to get crushed by -- your opponents hopping around yo is disheartening to see.

For Boostio's comments about KangKang, he really didn't have a star performance yesterday like everyone would like to see, so calling him disappointing is justified in the context of his performance. Tbh, I don't really view it that differently than a caster calling out a player for a weak play or a dumb peek.

TLDR: BM in EG's context is fine and people are taking it way too fucking seriously. If you really dislike it, root for drx or prx/loud to fuck them in an official match. Until the time comes when the line is crossed, and you'll know when the line is crossed, ignore EG's banter if it really means that much to you.

posted about a year ago

if he were theoretically to replace stellar, who would igl? Derrek is probably gone too, so maybe nitro initiator? That would require an entire role shift from what he's used to playing. Though nitro played smokes a lot during his past tenure on 100t, I don't think they should drop bang. Dude's still nasty and has a shit ton of potential all things considered. Or just pick up an initiator igl so maybe vanity? I dunno tbh.

posted about a year ago

This question is gonna get asked a shit ton now post nrg's underwhelming performance isn't it. Yay, though he had a weak performance on dsg, is still a mechanically gifted player with a shit ton of potential. His DSG run can mostly be attributed to the team itself, where no star truly arose with the exception of singular pop off performances on individual maps by yay among others. The thing is, where is he gonna go besides nrg? Unless he changes his package as a duelist/chamber player, a lot of teams in americas at the very least have their duelist already. If he tries to package himself with nitro too, that will only serve to hurt him cause nitro, albeit another great player, hasn't played competitive valorant in two years at this point. No team wants that kind of risk. I know he's tried to market his potential to play other rules, namely sentinels -- considering his reputation for a more passive playstyle that he dominated with last year -- , but it's gonna be difficult when there are plenty more proven support players lying around in t2. The biggest drought in NA is for specifically igls so maybe, just maybe, nitro gets in that way with yay sentinel. That's either brilliant or a guarantee for failure.

For Americas:

Sentinels - Maybe if tenz leaves, but that would probably just mean zekken duelist. (Who knows tf is gonna go on with that roster though. sacy/pancada leaves, marved does whatever the fuck, aspas joins, babyj enters, etc.)
NRG - Most likely because ardiis performance
C9 - Yeahhhh, no. Leaf is still their star and the only changes this roster might make might include dropping their new young talents or maybe reshifting around zellsis. Probably not a lot of changes here.
KRU - Keznit is still great so no.
100t - cryo still great too so no.
mibr , furia, loud, lev - language barrier so no, and we saw how that turned out with sen.
EG - nope.

EMEA and Pacific
All teams: would be funny af

TLDR: Yay still has a decent chance to make it to tier 1, really depends on how he markets himself and whether or not other teams want to make significant changes. Rostermania goes hard though

posted about a year ago

I agree to an extent about fns's lack of fragging, but I believe that sentiment extend beyond fns alone. Igls, though notorious for not being able to kill because of their role, are starting to be required to frag a little more than they are. Boaster, as much as this website likes to shit on him, is mechanically on par at the very least with other players and can win duels a lot more consistently than other igls. Boostio is another example of an igl who can frag. However, dissolving the entire core of optic on the premise of their performance this year is deffo not the way to go. Crashies is still rated as a top 5 initiator in the world, victor (albeit fairly inconsistent) is one of the world's best flex players and his occasional pop off games, and fns (at least at tokyo) has shown that he can frag out to a decent degree. s0m is their best player so he's staying, so that really just leaves ardiis, whose inability to frag like other t1 duelists has really lowered his stocks. Though it can be argued that there are better replacements for the optic core in t2 valo. optic chemistry is still unparalleled and, at the end of the day, that's still a hugely important factor in the game (looking at you SEN).

posted about a year ago

I don’t really like Navi because of the whole xset thing last year, and to say the least, they did not meet expectations post lock in. However, you can’t deny that they put up a decent fight at champs. The roster itself still has a huge amount of potential so who knows where they might end up next year.

Liquid, oh man liquid. Following lock in, they were rated one one of the biggest disappointments in emea. Though they got their act together during the regular season and playoffs, they really dropped the ball as time went on. Similar to Navi, the roster looks amazing on paper. However, not all the players on said roster are of the same caliber. Nats and sayf are evidently the best players on the team, and redgar is still a fair igl, albeit not as highly rated as his old gambit days (tbf who tf are you gonna replace him with besides Enzo whose gonna get bid on by every single emea team). Soulcas for cloud and jampii I dunno.

Tbh both rosters underperformed compared to their expectations but I wouldn’t call either of them frauds nor would I call nrg nor t1 or whatever “washed teams frauds”. Competition was stupid this year with titans emerging out to thr woodworks like fnatic and prx. Can’t wait to see next year

posted about a year ago

Was anyone really arguing less > alfajaer. He has typically been compared to suygetsu or nats, who have been duking it out for too three sentinels. Alfa is in contention for best player in the world if he maintains his current form into playoffs so yeah, not even a question about who’s better. Less is amazing but Alfa putting up duelist numbers on his kj and cypher like come on

posted about a year ago

As an nrg fan, I’m just sad. Happy for blg because they definitely deserve it but sad nevertheless. Though it’s cold, I hope we get optic electric boogaloo with the upcoming roster mania because their current roster just didn’t have any firepower. Marved and yay were essentially optic’s fraggers while victor, crashies, and fns were world class supports. Replace yay with ardiis and yeah, you ain’t doing shit. s0m regardless of his shit performance has been the only consistent fragger on the team so he’s fine, but holy shit ardiis is on the chopping block.

posted about a year ago

If sen were to go with your idea, johnqt from m80 would legit be an amazing pickup. However, I don't know if I would rate pancada above my cold boy. Honestly, given recent talks about Loud and the regular season being nearly over, I think this year's roster mania, though not as hype as last year's, will have some pretty stunning moves.

posted about a year ago

For fpx, I might just be a berlin coper so that's it. Otherwise, perhaps lysoar to replace berlin. In terms of zeta, maybe replace crow for dep in any case.

posted about a year ago

All things considered, the multilingual experiment on SEN has albeit failed with every updated iteration of the roster. Despite the fact both of the Brazilians are under contract for the next year or so, I wouldn't be surprised if teams like Loud or Mibr try to go for the Brazilian duo. Here, we are presented with two likely outcomes:

1.) Pancada goes to Loud to replace Tuyz and Sacy goes to either Furia or MIBR
2.) The two choose to market themselves as a package and go to one of the aforementioned teams above

Though it might be considered wise by some to give the team more time to prac and build more team chemistry for the next year, Rob Moore, being on the over-reactionary side, might just choose to let them loose of their contracts to eye new NA talents (m80 core specifically) or the players themselves might deem staying on the team relatively pointless.

posted about a year ago

EG - ethan or boostio tbh
NRG - s0m
LOUD - Aspas/less

FPX - Berlin

FNC - Leo
GIA - Cloud

PRX - d4v41/jingg, something is still unproven on the world stage.
DRX - Rb/mako
Zeta - crow/laz

posted about a year ago

7-1 and I thought it was football btw






posted about a year ago





posted about a year ago

As long as union doesn’t win, I’ll be happy.

But guard still clears

Texxerino drops 30

posted about a year ago