Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 31, 2024
Last post: February 5, 2025 at 5:48 AM
Posts: 71
1 2

It looks like if you gave a kid scissors and a paper knife to cut. The edges make it look like a badly cut peace of paper.

posted 3 weeks ago

It's not sketchy. You go to device manager>monitors>right click>disable this device.
You make a custom resolution and set that resolution in your control panel. I use 1568×1080, and make sure it's on fill, not letterbox in-game. This is the best method because you don't have to play on windowed or use any 3rd party apps.

posted 1 month ago

Majority of those comments happened during covid and online classes.

posted 1 month ago

We never tried actually. But if it was possible I'm sure I would have it by now.

posted 1 month ago

I'm not Korean, but under some circumstances I was born in a Korean hospital. My parents were on a vacation. Mom was 6 months pregnant, I was born 3 months earlier than I was supposed to. So I just rep a Korean flag whenever I can cuz I think that's a funny story.

posted 1 month ago

I was quite ignorant in terms of valorant. I came to love the game.

posted 1 month ago

Real shit. I used to no-life that site. I accumulated a bunch of comments and was a fan of one player (NiKo). He is quite hated so I defended the shit out of him on every hate thread. I was known as the biggest NiKo glazer on the site.


This is the account. 20k comments should tell you everything lol. But in my defence I was a uni student with a lot of time on my hands.

posted 1 month ago

I used to be known on HLTV. Fun times before I got 10 year banned.

posted 1 month ago

How is that riots fault ? This type of stuff ends up happening cs as well. A team had to forfeit their major spot because they couldn't get visa's on time. Riot can't do anything about that.

posted 1 month ago

It's not worth it. There are way better classic skins you can buy for the same price like the glitchpop, nocturnum or rgx. As for the rest of the content it's honestly not that good.

posted 1 month ago

Just another way to keep tiktok attention span children interested while nothing happens in the game because I haven't seen enough people die on rotations because they were too busy spamming inspect on their kuronami's and karambits and didn't have their guns out.

posted 1 month ago

His ult looks quite bad. The area effect is too small to do anything significant.

posted 1 month ago

Regardless he looks like a good agent designed to clear out angles. In a double initiator comp he can be viable. You could do some nice plays with a breach stun + nade or tejo stun + aftershock for some free kills.

posted 1 month ago

Depends on the agent, if his kit ends up being useful at all. Riot destroyed sova's shock darts and his drone yet he is still the best initiator in the game.

posted 1 month ago

Read my comment #6. I feel like despite that tejo and kj can coexist in the same team comp quite well despite the ult thing. Also riot will probably do something about it. They will most likely either nerf the damage or make it so it does less damage to objects.

posted 1 month ago

70 damage per tick, 3 ticks. The damage is nuts. They will nerf it to 50 per tick and give him one missile. He didn't even come out and I can already see the nerfs coming.

posted 1 month ago

Kj and tejo can work together tho. If you plant the spike on attack it's pretty much round won. You just activate one molly, then second molly, than tejo sends one missile, than he sends the second missile. No hope to defuse unless you have kayo to shut both down.

posted 1 month ago

1) his mollies are not supposed to kill. A simple fact that you can just open up a map, click onto any corner and send a nade knowing zero lineups to clear an angle is insane. Not to mention the post plant potential. If you plant the spike it looks impossible to defuse. Pair it with kj mollies and it's gg round won, just save there is no hope to defuse.

2) his rc car is not the worst, it's much better then sky's dog. It offers more visibility and will be harder to shoot down.

3) his stun is okay, nothing crazy, but it can be used to clear corners.

4) I disagree on his ult, it doesn't look that good to me, the area it clears out looks to be too small. It's fine as post plant/retake ult I guess.

posted 1 month ago

Tejo will be absolutely broken in post-plants on attack. You don't need lineups, just click twice on the spike location and the nades fly over to the exact location. His stunning thingy seems impossible to dodge and the radius is quite big and his rc car scanner is 3x better then sova drone and skye dog. His ultimate is kinda meh tho.

posted 1 month ago

Tell me why did they have to cook so hard with the finisher on such a bad bundle ? 2175vp (most likely) for a battle pass level skin with no pullout animation, reload animation or inspect animation. The melee is fire as well, imo it's an improved version of oni katana because it has a sick pullout animation. I'm honestly glad I didn't spend any money on the araxys since I wanted the melee. I will buy the katana when the bundle comes out.

posted 1 month ago

It's a major coinflip, my personal level was never an issue, I would play good and would end up team MVP for most of my games, but it's just a gamble on what kind of creature you end up getting as a teammate. I got super lucky on my final push to ascendant, I went from dia2 to asc 1 in 2 days by winning 90% of my games (20 game winning streak at one point) and that was all due to a fortunate matchmaking rng...
One time it was a full on red carpet, dropped me down from dia2 to plat 3, I almost dropped to plat 2, I was just losing games for no reason, I almost gave up at that point and unninstalled.

posted 2 months ago

That would be tough, would basically put me back to square one again.

posted 2 months ago

3 months ago I created a thread "sova vs fade" asking people of the valorant community which one should I start maining. I was hard stuck plat and just couldn't get out so I was ready to change my class in order to see if that would help. Turns out I had a hidden talent for op-ing, started maining chamber and I successfully got out of plat, thru diamond and now I'm in ascendant. Hopefully I can push to asc 3 before the EP ends. I'm sad I reached this point late in the episode, I've heard about rank resets being rough, I started playing valorant first time this summer, it was mid act 1 episode 9. I hope episode 10 doesn't push me back all the way to plat again.

posted 2 months ago

Neon was so powerful that I doubt the nerfs will destroy her. Kind of like how jett is still so strong despite all the nerfs she got. I am way more concerned about the ping changes tho. Why tf can you not ping a spike tru smoke anymore ? What kind of drugs are the mfs in riot on ?

posted 2 months ago

I get it but neon isn't healty for the game. She doesn't fit the concept. Neon breaks all the laws of what a tactical shooter is supposed to be. She should not be in the game, period.

posted 2 months ago

Just casual use. I squeezed out 6 years out of my galaxy a70. I don't game or take a lot of photos. I'm mostly concerned about batery life but I've heard both of these phones last a long time so I'm torn. 120hz + galaxy AI + 7 years of OS and security updates from the galaxy seem like a nobrainer but I kinda always wanted an iphone.

posted 2 months ago

Casual use. I don't play games, I don't snap many photos. It's mostly for browsing social media, watching youtube and netflix.

posted 2 months ago

Any phone nerds here ? I'm looking to buy a new phone but I don't want to splash too much cash. Should I buy an older flagship or a newever midrange ? So far the two options I have shortlisted are iphone 13 and galaxy s24 FE, both are the same price...

posted 2 months ago

Thank God, nerf her even more, destroy that garbage agent so I never have to see her in my comp games again. Shit ain't apex, fym you can just run around and slide while having perfect accuracy.

posted 2 months ago

I was too lazy to write allat so I just wrote kys thinking context would save me, it didn't.

posted 4 months ago

Well, I probably should have, but in my defence I didn't know about the automated review ban.

posted 4 months ago

So I was playing some competetive on abyss. The score was pretty onesided for us, it was 7-1 after they won pistol. Enemy jett started throwing by jumping off of the map. They then won some rounds after jett started to grief and half ended 7-5.
On half time I say to jett "Jett after you started to kys yall won some rounds, myb you should keep it up". Boom, instamuted because the automated review saw the word "kys". Brilliant tech ngl.

posted 4 months ago

S: ascent (best map in the game), abyss (pls don't hate me but I love this map, it just works for chamber mains), bind (same reason as abyss, perfect map for a chamber main)

A: Haven (I used to hate this map, but it has grown on me recently, it's also a really good chamber map)

B: Sunset (it's okay, I can deal with it if I have to but I'd rather not play it), pearl (same as sunset)

C: split (I have no clue how to play this map)...

posted 4 months ago

Maybe I just haven't met a good deadlock. Probably the easiest sentinel to play against, her whole kit is predictable. The only annoying thing is wasting bullets on her barrier.

posted 4 months ago

I once played against a deadlock in tdm. Bro was putting sound sensors and would just camp them and kill people that got caught because everyone just runs in tdm.

posted 4 months ago

I hate the idea of nerfing agents that easily. Sure if an agent is broken like chamber was, yes, but neon isn't worthy of a nerf, she isn't used that much anyway.

posted 5 months ago

That's what I was saying till I played a couple of games with her. Shits not as easy to play as I imagined. I used to call out neon players for playing a noob agent that's how much it tilted me but after playing her she genuenly needs some skill and time put into her, now I just respect the people that use her.

posted 5 months ago

It's a combination of having money to waste + questionable financial responsibility.

posted 5 months ago

I'm in the same boat as you. I have about 35 euros to spend which is enough for a skin and some upgrades. I was hoping fo gaia to appear in my night market but no luck. I'm debating between buying the sherif (I only have a battlepass skin) or get the vandal but I already have reaver and oni vandal. I also have reaver sherif in nightmarket for 1400 vp 20% off.

posted 5 months ago

Yeah ghost skin is terrible. Don't know who cooked with that one but the kitched was burnt.

posted 5 months ago

They are just milking us like with the rgx bundles. Could have released all the skins in 2 but they want to milk as much money as possible. All of this genuenly wouldn't have been as bad if the skin upgrades were free or you could get the upgrade points diffetently rather then tru battlepass.

posted 5 months ago

Vandal looks like the worse version of araxys, pull out and reload animation is the same as araxys. It sounds nice and the white/gold variant looks clean but I don't think it's worth it, not to mention they were too lazy to rework the finishers on the 1.0 guns to match the color of the variant. I'll probably just buy the sheriff if they release 1.0 together with 2.0 in one big bundle.

posted 5 months ago

800 dpi 0.35 plat 3. I've been steadily increasing my sens over time. I started with 600dpi 0.25.

posted 5 months ago

Yeah he needs a lot more, his kit is not that good and his ult is one of the more useless ones.

posted 5 months ago

Was harbor even mentioned ? And I also think his ult needs rework. It would be sick if instead of the stun the whole area of an ult applied permanent slowness to enemies. And imagine he could place smokes like clove, but I think he would be broken at that point. Also your changes are way more profesionaly put then mine lol

posted 5 months ago

I don't think his ult is that good really. It's mostly good for info gathering and I think gekkos and yorus ult is way better for that, you rarely get a kill with it since people will just run away when they hear it. The only really good thing about it is that you can use it to break cypher traps safely.

posted 5 months ago

One thing I forgot to mention about another potential change in pho's new ult and this is if you have used your util already, when you ult you get all the util back while in the ult, but only while in the ult, when you get killed you are back to no utility.

posted 5 months ago

What do you think the new agent changes will be ? Sage and pho are getting buffed 100% while cypher and gekko are getting nerfed

Sage- 7 point ult, self heal to 100 and walls hardeing faster
Pho- imo his utility is fine but ult needs a rework, either longer time or some sort of a buff, he should get reyna type stim while in ult.

Cypher- 7 point ult and slower stun time, slower reset time in cam for a mark
Gekko- they will probably increase the duration of the reclaim since it's super fast and increase the recharge time on the abilities after it was reclaimed. I think 10 seconds is crazy fast. If I'd guess, probably 20 seconds for util and 30 seconds for his ult, maybe they even remove his ability to reclaim ult, having the ability to ult multiple times in a rounds is crazy.

What do you guys think ?

posted 5 months ago

8 orb ult but it fully tracks the opponents, not just 2 ticks, imagine that.

posted 5 months ago

It's 100% a nerf, no way they buff him he is already crazy.

posted 5 months ago
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