Flag: India
Registered: July 27, 2022
Last post: October 10, 2024 at 5:17 AM
Posts: 37

Cloud already renewed with Giants. And by the reports the information was that koalanoob and ruxic will be the next 2 players

posted 4 months ago

Lets go Patitek

posted 4 months ago

What is the future for the players like Patitek, Zypaan, Ardiis, etc, didn't see them Linked to any org as of now

posted 4 months ago

Good player along with great teammates but not better than Chron

posted 5 months ago

Although how much I hate Sen Fans, but I have my utmost respect for Tenz, may his new journey keep going as strong as it was. He is one of the best players of Valorant History and now he's retiring I feel bad too. At the end, all the best to Tenz and all the SEN CITY. Fucking SEN just pick up Derke now, there is no one better

posted 5 months ago

Jokes apart, bro is the face of Fnatic along with Boaster and probably top 5 players of all time, performed brilliantly at many stages. It's been a great moment to see Derke playing for FNC but I think now he'll go for a change and a change is good for everyone. I'll be not mad if I see posters of 100T Derke

posted 6 months ago

5 boys along with their fathers (5 + 5)

posted 6 months ago

Thanks for all your negativity and hate we have received from you, today my kill counter has been increased from 7 to 10, I have killed 5 boys along with their father because they are like you guys, always talking bullshit and only have opinions on internet, in real life they suck lol

posted 6 months ago

Thanks to all my Americas, Pacific and CN People, I'm here accepting that along with other EMEA Valorant Fans that EMEA is the worst region. I hope this statement cools down all the frustration in your heart. Thanks to TH and FNC for second and 6th finish. But I think now Non-EMEA VLR users should come outside their homes instead of typing on keyboards only, let's meet somewhere where we can argue face to face without any political and social hinderance with our own physical capabilities and then simply kill each other because at the end that's what our goal is whenever I'm here to see any thread.

posted 6 months ago

Cheer up boys, obviously there'll be many suckers who'll talk shit. After today's final, I've killed 5 boys and 2 of their fathers because they talk shit after your defeat. No worries, people on internet can only type in keyboards but when they came outside, I'll destroy them with all the fans

posted 6 months ago

Kru and G2 by Fnatic, SEN and LEV by Heretics. And all the four matches were easy

posted 6 months ago

My dear SEN Haters, please make VLR as hostile as you can for these SEN fuckers, make them depressed and hope they hate their existence, I have all the threads from these SEN fuckers when they were toxic as hell, I'm going to individually pick every user and try to give them as bad curse as they could get. Once again bring the toxicity as much as you can because even their bloodline deserves it

posted 6 months ago

Motherfucking Sen fans, never ever compare that bald brazilian cunt to the Goat Chronicle and Leo

posted 6 months ago

Friday, last day of the working week, Heretics win, Blood Turk Riens absolutely creams North American cunts, some stupid people on this platform have their life cutout for next 6 months. Hopefully in next 24 hours, I'll bring more toxicity for SEN fans

posted 6 months ago

Fuck you SEN and SEN fans, die for god sake

posted 6 months ago

I think Heretics should need to ban Lotus, not because they are not good at it but I think that's a go through map for SEN, they rarely lose on Lotus. And then SEN will definitely ban Ascent. Then Heretics can pick Bind because they are pretty good on it. Now, it creates a condition for SEN to choose between Haven/Sunset/Icebox/Abyss, and they'll probably go for Sunset as comfort pick and that's simply a trap and you know the reason that Heretics is by far the best team on Sunset, and then I think Heretics should go for Haven Ban, SEN would go Abyss or Icebox it doesn't matter probably.
Simply I mean, I think SEN is the best team on lotus as of now and in most of the games they won can be directly dependent on their lotus

posted 6 months ago

Just play 4 duelist with omen

posted 6 months ago

Bro this is my real account, wtf are you on about and simply I am a very big fan of EMEA valorant, but whatever I have written here is true

posted 6 months ago

Expectations are different for Woot bro

posted 6 months ago

At this point of time both the EMEA teams are now playing with 4 players only, because in Fnatic Boaster can't able to shoot and in TH it's Woot

posted 6 months ago

The guy is also not someone who stays humble, he trash talks a lot also. Although I didn't support the racism but that's how the wo
rld works unfortunately

posted 6 months ago

I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, but whenever I watch SEN match, they always lose, for example like today or first game of the tournament. It is really weird because first time when I watch a SEN match is in 2021 Champs vs KRU.

posted 6 months ago

I believe tomorrow Alfajer will make the 18+ content by fucking SEN upside down in front of their parents

posted 6 months ago

Tenz is probably one of the best baiter of this season, brother always baits 2 player for his own stats. Can't able to take a 1 v 1 against good aim players, love to see him tomorrow in kill contract against Alfajer.

posted 6 months ago

You guys are just big bullies when you won, it's just karma returning back

posted 6 months ago

I can guarantee these EDG Frauds will play a lot better tomorrow against Fnatic, they throw rounds which they should won easily

posted 6 months ago

What happens when a kid isn't love properly

posted 6 months ago

Only Boo and Riens can play from Heretics, others are blow hot and cold. I believe Alfa is going wank

posted 6 months ago

Honestly, I am not a sentinel fan, but if I'm one of them, I would be really satisfied this year with their performance, every stage they got the most fearsome opponents and they win against them, they deserve only respect at this point of time. All the 5 players have performed brilliantly and to be very honest, I think now they have all the momentum to win the tournament from here. Although I don't want it because I'm a Los Ninos fan but if I were you Sen fans then I'll be on a moon which you guys obviously in.

posted 6 months ago

Let's go Los Ninos

posted 6 months ago

Stfu PRX Fans, absolute noob shit, now go and cry and fuck yourself

posted 6 months ago

I believe they are just tired at this moment. They'll be fresh up for the Champs, Atleast one thing is that they are surely a top 4 team of Champs - GENG, G2, FNC, TH.

posted 7 months ago

changes are the parts of a process, if they choke it doesn't mean that they can not become better in future
yesterday's liquid performance is more than enough for them to find enough confidence

posted about 2 years ago

why didn't they said this when they play yesterday or against OG or against Acend?
give us a break, M3C is just owned by the Scream and outplayed by TL in last 2 maps

posted about 2 years ago

Brilliant, let's go brotherrrrrrrrr, man scream literally cut them into pieces
now their fans giving up so many excuses
they just can't accept that they are just screamed by the legend in his very best form

posted about 2 years ago