Flag: France
Registered: December 2, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Posts: 23

That just depends on personal opinion but you can't leave him out of the conversation that's for sure.

To me, personally, Biggie would be number 1

posted about a year ago

Father Time
All The Stars

Kendrick easily top 5 of the most influential rappers of all time. Those who don't think so "I love when you count me out".

posted about a year ago

Buddy wrote a whole essay and still missed the point.

It's fine if you want to only show up for games the team you are rooting for is playing, everyone would do the same( People who say you don't love the game are being hypocrites, even they haven't watched all the lock//in games). However, if you are going to show up, then it is expected for you to have some adequate behavior, and cheer for your team as hard as you can( which LOUD fans did amazingly well, literally cheered nonstop for 4 hours with so much passion and energy, that was amazing) but don't boo the enemy team for no reason. If they were being toxic or cringe then sure boo them but they didn't do anything. No one is telling you to cheer for the other team but be respectful and appreciative of a good play or of them winning. Just say ggwp, maybe clap when they lift the trophy and give their interview. Be a decent human being and learn how to take a loss properly. Don't be babies and run to go cry about it as soon as the game is over. At every masters/champions, fans were respectful and gave claps when SA won. Even when they won against EU teams, no one was cheering for Loud but they still clapped, they still stayed till the end. Sure EU has L crowds who barely cheer and you could probably sleep in the arena during the games but atleast they are being respectful.

tl;dr : Root for your team but don't boo other team for no reason. Respect good gameplay from both teams.

posted about a year ago

Without being on the NA Copium or overdosing on the Brazil win, I agree with you there was a lot of luck involved in that game. For sure Loud played amazingly well, their aim was on point, the teamwork and coordination were S- tier but WOW on Fracture there were so many lucky moments. The kills they kept getting through smokes or literal 180 headshot flicks mid vandal spray (before you guys say it's just good aim/recoil control, this is not cs,valo has rng on bullet sprays). Victor's head was literally a magnet to all saddhak's bullets in that lotus and fracture map.

In my opinion, that clutch against ardis was not luck tho, ardis messed up, he had the right read but took wayyyy too much time to rotate and get himself in position. If he just made up his mind and got there a second earlier he would have been ready for that swing.

Just sucks that the format is awful and it increases the luck factor.

Happy for Loud tho, DRX vs Loud is gonna be insane, stax vs saddhak, oof that's gonna be a banger.

posted about 2 years ago

You give stats about acs but then talk about strats and smartness ?_?

posted about 2 years ago

Well if we look at those stats you provided, I guess FNS is even worst than shahzam...

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry to burst your bubble but no plats-low diamonds can hold their ground in immo3. Maybe immo 1 because a lot of boosted and sold accounts are in there but not immo3. Maybe if they play passive and have other immortals in their team but still, just aim-wise they will get destroyed. Unless you plan on playing ratty lineup sitting in the back smoke player or some pocket sage to your immortal friend there is no way you can hold against immo3 (top 0.2% players) if you are plat.

posted about 2 years ago

Yup, exactly. People who have hundreds of hours chilling in spike rush with friends going against people who grind comp all the time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 2 years ago

If it is based on time spent and smurfs will always play more on their main and barely grind on their alt accounts, wouldn't it make new players trying ranked for the first time always go against smurfs?

You can look up valorant rank distribution graph for June 2022 and see that riot almost balanced it. The only problem is the gap between Diamond 3- Immortal 1 compared to Immortal1-Immortal 2. Hence why they are adding the new Ascendant rank to smooth the curve.

I am immortal 2 and I started to smurf to play with my friends(gold 3), it's not my fault that I grinded more so now I can't play with them . I want to spend time with my friends and smurfing is the only way. Riot really fixed the smurfing problem tho. By the end of my qualification matches, I was gold 3 and we started playing against diamonds after 5 games.

In lower ranks, you will barely get a smurf since the level 20 grind already evaluates you as a smurf and matches you with gold/plat on your first qualification game. If you are plat/diamond and get an immortal smurf once every 5 games, it just shows you that there is still much to improve on.

Don't think smurfs hold you back, you are.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Normalizing death threats ??? Pointless or not, it's not a thing to joke about. Fans are angrier and more emotional than the players. If your team loss then gg,go next. Support your team in their loss like a true fan should. If you think it is unfair maybe do something about it ; a petition, a call-to-action or something. Don't just be mad and insult everyone like crybabies.

posted about 3 years ago

Why not just redo the half???
Instead of just giving a free win, it would take literally 30min . Doesn't even have to be on the big stage just play it in the hotel room like envy and liquid.
Seems like riot is taking the easiest but also dumbest way out of this one.

posted about 3 years ago

you cannot remove logs since it is a really good spot for defense as it is an extra angle to clear and having different elevations on a site is always good. You can't add a wall because retake is gonna be really hard. You can make the box smaller as then all agents can get on it, so low risk-high reward on retake or post plant. You can try to move the box away from logs but then you get a smaller safe spot to plant the spike.

You see how hard it is to fix problems like those, now imagine having hundreds of those . Riot is fixing stuff like that every day, shootout to them for doing so and giving us such a good game.

It sucks that this happened and hopefully they work on this so it doesn't happen in the future. Still tho, it's just 1 game, Furia is really good and has a lot of potential, who knows they might come back even stronger and win the whole thing.

posted about 3 years ago

You can't fix it unless you make the box taller which will then prevent you from updrafting on it (unless you go on logs)

posted about 3 years ago

They don't care whether you are on a win streak or not , using an exploit will result in a tech pause. In any case, whether you keep playing or restart it doesn't matter it still breaks their momentum. The SEN players also said they didn't care and wanted to keep playing (https://twitter.com/ShahZaMk/status/1466520153336786945?s=20).

posted about 3 years ago

lots of exploits exists since the beginning of the game, doesn't mean they are allowed. You can't fix it unless you make the box taller which will then prevent you from updrafting on it. It's champs the final main event the rest were just qualifiers where they got to see what needed to be changed, just like they nerfed jett after iceland and added the unbreakable box on icebox b site after berlin. Just so you get a more balanced and competitive game for champs.

posted about 3 years ago

Players attending those events get a list of all exploits not to do such as cypher cams, sage walls, sova lineups(jonas showed some which are bannable like arrows that go through walls) kj turret boosting or teammates boosting you. You are not allowed to use those and you may get a penalty like xand did if you use those exploits.

posted about 3 years ago

Riot cannot ban an exploit in the middle of a tournament so maybe it was blacklisted after berlin. We don't have the list of banned exploit like the players do , the only way to know if riot did it on purpose is to get the list. Innocent until proven otherwise.

posted about 3 years ago

hopefully, they work on that and we can see them get to playoffs. They have a lot of potential.

posted about 3 years ago

Structure? NA only had a few invitationals and nerdstreet gamers once a month or something. EU had so many tournaments before masters. That's how so many smaller orgs got to build their reputation.

Tenz is shit but he bullied 100T and fnatic, the ones who beat gambit in berlin and emea playoffs?

Before you say anything, I am not even from NA and neither a SEN fan. Just saying some facts and trying to keep an open mind.

posted about 3 years ago

Breaking momentum or not he should not have used that exploit. If you are mad at the tech pause then the round they won shouldn't count so they redo the round which still breaks momentum in any case.

posted about 3 years ago

Furia just played it really well, Khalil was insane. SEN could have played better especially on breeze defense but still a really great match, not disappointed at all after seeing the underdogs perform so well today. Don't underestimate SEA and SA.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago