Flag: South Korea
Registered: August 13, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 6:47 PM
Posts: 946
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As a tennis player, I'm not going to lie, tennis is very boring to watch. It's one of the best sports to appreciate, but not to watch...

posted about a year ago

I heard that the food is definitely tier 0 ong

posted about a year ago

update: its in 3 hours

posted about a year ago

what can I say beaver_man

posted about a year ago

unknown for now, it's probably coming within 11 hours though

Exact Phrasing:
JDG.esports: "Actually, we will share something today. just wait for it"
^ was sent a little over an hour ago

posted about a year ago

Yeah, it would be criminal if no CN franchised org picked up one of the best CN rosters. Especially after the APEKS moment that happened against DRG lmaooo

posted about a year ago

It's quite ironic how your replies are merely feeding the topic attention, contrasting your claim.

Secondly, JDG is interchangeable with RA since the players will be transitioning to JDG. I am merely posting it since the community has had a fair bit of hype revolving around RA, especially stew and MarT1n. Hope this answers your choleric, grouchy attitude!

posted about a year ago

They are quite big (if not one of the biggest CN orgs in League of Legends), and they are rumored to pick up RA's roster (- yoman, he is going to serve as AC due to the 1 import/team rule).

If this is true, there is a very likely chance that JDG will make international (both Masters 1 & 2 + Champs) LANs with the 2 CN slots given for Masters 1 & 2 and 4 for Champs.

So please don't be afraid to tell me why you think they are "random" and why "no one cares about" them.

posted about a year ago

I inquired with a community manager from JDG and apparently, JDG is going to announce on X/Twitter "today" (I assume they mean today as in CNST, or Chinese Standard Timezone/GMT+8, and it's around noon for them, so less than 12 hours left) regarding their roster.

Source: me

posted about a year ago

no my man I'm agreeing with you on DFM LOL

posted about a year ago

You might feel a bit biased bc you are SG, and I definitely as am biased as KR, but I agree and disagree with you.

If we're going by viewership, your point is slightly relevant.

However, if you go by talent, KR 3 teams isn't a bad estimate, since top VN and OCE teams (FCY, BONK, ex-BAAM, ex-ORDER, etc...) are still worse than DRX/T1, and even GEN (both '23 and '24). ZETA is near GEN in terms of skill, and (we don't talk about DFM, but '23 DFM still probably had a chance against any VN/OCE team). I too don't know how or why GES got in, but I guess reading the VLR comments about GES make my day!

At the end you say "deserve," but what is your definition of "deserve"? The entire 2nd paragraph of your argument lacks any remote sense of logic, and if your definition of deserve = skill, your definition might just be flawed.

But yeah, I see talent in MYSG + TH (BLD, BOOM, FS, NAOS, XIA, MITH, etc...) that deserve it more than 1 or 2 teams in APAC t1 right now...

posted about a year ago

never tried. thanks for giving me a dinner suggestion!

posted about a year ago

Yeah basically :)

posted about a year ago

Some of my favorite Mediterranean food:

  • Lamb Chops

  • Shakshuka

  • Tzatziki

  • Souvlaki

  • Lentils and Chickpeas + Pasta/Gnocchi hits hard

  • Gyros used to be my favorite but I got food poisoned once (taste aversion)

I used to despise French cuisine. But recently I've been more serious about food and culture so I got used to it. French food is like art, I love French pastries and Viennoiseries. I'd recommend poulet (chicken) chasseur with shallots. It's my current favorite and the dish that made me love French dishes.

posted about a year ago

As a Korean-American, I'm definitely biased but:

  1. Korean
  2. Japanese
  3. Italian
  4. French
  5. Mediterranean

I don't really like American food. Too greasy and shit feels depressing.

posted about a year ago

thanks geospliced, I also appreciate for your amazing VCT CN preds and wholesome posts and replies

posted about a year ago

feel free!

posted about a year ago

I may be still in high school and am not a female but I can definitely help if you want to talk! I've been lurking on VLR for quite a while and don't know many features on VLR, but feel free to reach out to me if you want to vent, or just make small talk.

posted about a year ago

I'm just going to skip the "it'll be alright soon BS" and get to the point.

Being on VLR is a red flag.

But if you want genuine advice, try to join organizations and private groups (public groups are more communal but they're a good way to befriend people of all sorts). They provide more interactions, and it may be hard at first, but once you befriend many, developing feelings isn't too difficult.

Learning a language is also very attractive. If you have a certain type of ethnicity you're into, try to learn that language (or learn a new language relevant if already mastered). This is just one of many attractive points, but intellect (both paper and street-wise) is a very valuable asset to retain.

Other hobbies/necessities are also pretty coveted such as:

  • Cooking (very valuable)
  • Medical (as in CPR and basic emergency knowledge)
  • Values of paternity (how much of a good father you will feel like to a future partner)
  • Sex drive (dependent on partner)
  • Views (political, sociocultural, etc...)
  • Degree of support (how much do you support your partner?)

Lastly, you say you've been depressed. This probably is exactly why you aren't pulling. No female will like you more than you like yourself, as much as it is a cliche saying. Good luck my dude.

what the fuck am I saying on this accursed site

posted about a year ago
  1. Split

  2. Fracture

  3. Bind

  4. Haven

  5. Ascent

  6. Icebox

  7. Pearl

  8. Sunset

  9. Lotus

DFM. Breeze (fuck breeze)

posted about a year ago


some minor suggestions:

  • ign formatting (mostly wrong capitalizations, and some errors like spelling KC N4RRATE as KC N4RRTE)
  • VCT CN Ascension Team slots (the empty ones) should be labeled as 2023 and 2024 respectively.

(edit) The navy coloring for RP/AP might shadow the text a bit too much, maybe try a lighter tone that can still differentiate R/S?

posted about a year ago

Buzz??? Mad trolling.
He's said he prefers rifling over OP before and uses OP way less than almost any jett in tier 1...

posted about a year ago


RA 50%
ASE 35%
DRG 7.5%
NIP 4%
NWG 2.5%
KBG 1%

posted about a year ago

almost immediately

posted about a year ago
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