I agree, and its wild that TS fans suddenly switched up and started mad glazing now that he's on the team 💀
Flag: | South Korea |
Registered: | August 13, 2023 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 6:47 PM |
Posts: | 946 |
I agree, and its wild that TS fans suddenly switched up and started mad glazing now that he's on the team 💀
lowkey think that woot is a cooler user than wo0t.
wo0t just sounds like a generic CS username without much creativity
genuinely more people think a username is good once the player is performing good
i dont hate the name just dont think its goated
if the context is up in the air, by saying, "Mako LMAO" implies that mako is well below karon.
right now karon is definitely in his prime form for sure
generally talking about your overall selection my dude
fr bro this guy is waffling his APAC bias, don't see izu, berlin, and boo in top 5
pancada in his prime form would still be in debate with mako at the time (and his form only lasted for like 3 tournaments max)
boo is not too excellent IMO, he's also arguably the worst on TH and his rating isn't too high either
mindfreak is currently on fraudwatch for a while now, even when he peaked people considered him to be inferior to mako
marved WAS good, but I genuinely don't know what happened, he just magically dropped in form gradually since OPTC
s0m is a good contender, but not enough information on his consistency (low sample size), and most people are drunk in recency bias. compared to the dynasty over smokes mako has, s0m still needs a solid 2 years of this performance to be comparable
nah im backing my goat mako
who would be above mako (besides karon if you're only going by recency bias)
you probably haven't watched vct for a while, dude is the only consistent player on smokes for a few years (VS to DRX '24)
even with his recently IGL, he puts up mad numbers and was rated #1 smokes in VCTP, and the only smokes in top 10 rating by a long shot.
dawg why are people downvoting you for the truth
people that are transphobic are an issue, yes, but those who overtly and excessively support GC to the point where they get defensive is also a problem
please stop opening these threads. you are just promoting a vicious cycle that does not help the GC scene that goes:
if you don't agree, just ignore them! its almost like you want to hear transphobic people say transphobic things to validate your point
lowkey i don't agree with acels but your shit is omega bandwagoning
dawg stick to a team
think he was in 1337, team with sonofcar when car was going crazy on chamber
i'll match you on that
i see
he seems chill but loud drama icks me a bit. otherwise I agree!
that shit cracked me up.
legit they updated the caption so it said "Stage 1 Data" to "Stage 1,2 Data" after the unsuccessful timeout I can't bro
please bring back old swvyboi1 this is a bit too creepy
valid take lowkey
although his role issue doesn't seem to be the only factor in his poor performance...
also dusk mane has a better elemental type combination
OC was referring tier 1 to the tier 1 in the main VCT circuit, not GC tier 1 (where there is technically only one officially recognized tier)
absolutely idiotic if you twisted that into your delusions of referring GC to tier 1
since you love analogies, I'll give a proper one:
the NBA is tier 1 in the basketball scene. the WNBA is also tier 1 in its own scene. when people talk about the highest tier of competition in basketball, absolutely NO ONE would refer to the WNBA.
i haven't caught up with pokemon since ultra sun/moon
also I played ultra moon so I had dawn wings
get some sleep king
edit: how you telling someone else to sleep when you need sleep too bahahaha (im also sleep deprived)
early you implied that GC is tier 1. by saying that skill doesn't determine the tier of competition, you would be discrediting your own point!
this is assuming that skills DOESN'T determine the tier of competition.
your initial point was that gc is no worse than t2 because it has a higher tier but now you're saying that skill does not equal tier?
full of contradictions my dude, perhaps use your brain for a quick second
For those who haven't taken chemistry:
H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide is a highly deadly chemical), while H2O is drinking water.
2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2
(2 moles of H2O2 + sunlight will catalyze into 2 moles of water and 1 mole of oxygen!)
nerdge ☝️🤓
AMER has a lot of mid-table teams, but not many title contenders
EMEA is a mess atm but they can still win it all
APAC has quite a few title contenders but the bottom half look extra shit
CN as a region needs improvement, give a few years
The bartender asks what they would like to drink.
The first scientist says "I'll have a glass of H2O please."
The second scientist says "I'll have H2O too."
The second scientist dies.
RRQ is not better than T1 after stax (might be biased coming from a drx fan, but they genuinely look good now)
I trust in NAVI, they just got fucked by single elimination bracket. they look in-form
DRG over JDG because my goat stew cannot qual because JDG already had a shit record in stage 1
LOUD also look uncertain, but perhaps C9, LEV, or KRU can make it as well?
just sit back and get a box of popcorn or something
I just got unemployed because I stood up for another employee when she wasn't getting paid for her overtime
dawg what? NBA is known worldwide for being the top level of competition. players from worldwide compete in the NBA as well (doncic, antetokounmpo, porzingis, jokic, gobert, sabonis, schroder, the list goes on). meanwhile, the olympics has a way lower bar for competition, with only a few dominant teams with many players from the NBA. This proves that the NBA has a far higher bar of skill.
You compared the NBA (top tier of play, pseudo-international), with ascension (tier 2, region-based international) which is incorrect.
You also compared GC (detached from the rest of the VCT circut, region-based international), with the olympics (low tier of play, international). This is also incorrect.
While the Olympic has a higher tier of achievement, why does the USA dominate so much? Probably because the regional competition, the NBA IS the most dominant scene in basketball. This also points towards the Olympics having a lower bar of competition than the NBA.
you said the example, not me!
im saying that men play against men in the NBA and the men's category of the olympics because you tried using these examples to compare to t2 (99% being men) versus GC (marginalized genders and identities).
you started making irrelevant comparisons, so I merely pointed it out.
please refer to my previous messages.
all of these examples were either very incorrect or they gradually got better/in-form.
xeta is actually sooooo nice
4k after 4k...
drx fix (COPIUM):
depends on the mood!
they both have very repetitive tropes (generally manhwa being slightly more repetitive while manga being cliche)
but I genuinely enjoy passing time with them
watch my goat play Neon
oh how I missed 2022 drx on fracture
ngl its kind of funny, and i recently quit debate club, so I guess I'm just exercising my debating skills against these insane people haha
I also just have a tendency to argue haha
are you going to try to nitpick every single player that fits your tiny frame?
also you are also wrong on this point LOL
rossy did pretty bad in his stints in TSM and FAZE, but as time passed, you could see his improvement as a player and as a teammate, especially in the long stretch of games he had with TT (Turtle Troop). This is where his form came in, and T1 saw this and picked him up. now, he's doing great!
next player? you're currently 0/6 on players that you thought would fit your ridiculous example.
how did you even get this from what I said? i never said gc is just for women, did I?
are you trying to distort what I just said to make me look like I'm tryna insult GC?
and if I mention about Bob... i would be labeled as a misogynist, but as far as I know bob has been trans even before EXO.
oh, and even with that unsaid point across, Bob is one player out of countless in GC. where is your point?
bro, this is just nitpicking now.
the g league is comprised of males, not females. you're also referring to the g league stomping "piss poor countries" at the Olympics, against other males. how is this anecdote relevant to the argument.
jesus christ. i really don't get on how many levels you could introduce fallacious statements