Flag: Australia
Registered: February 26, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2023 at 11:14 AM
Posts: 14

Stop being so parasocial and concerning yourself with others personal relationships...

posted about 2 years ago

4h left!

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Tomorrow mwzera will shock the world.

FURIA will make their debut against T1 and here is why you should root for mwzera

he is not only a player but an entity. literally all the br good players were inspired by him, he teached them a new way of aiming, they looked at him as a god, as a superstar, a rolemodel (and he was only 19yo at that time)
influenced a generation of players become the best version of themselves
he is constantly dropping amazing numbers with different class of agents, he have been to multiple teams with different people with different IGLs and his performance simply doesnt decrease, for an insane amount of rounds, for months, for more than 2 years
most mechanically gifted player in the world. his movement is out of the galaxy as per c9 (
best player in the world stats-wise
most feared player in brazil. when people sees his omen card on ranked they quit instantly
when you think about raze, you think of mwzera. even riot himself admitted it. in their advertising video of raze in brazil there's a mention to mwzera ( "duar bala", an expression named after him because of the way he shoots and move
again. I'm still amazed of how insane mwzera is and this clip is the perfect demonstration... (
ae @mch_AGG tu queria ver, duar bala duar bala kkk

— mwzera (@mwzera) January 16, 2021
) his movement while shoting is just out of this world. bro? like wtf? look how he had atleast 3 people shooting him from behind but just couldnt hit. its just so incredibly unique, 99.99% of the players (even in the pro scene) would just crouch spray the first guy and die to the second one

posted about 2 years ago

What do you mean?

posted about 2 years ago

Predict MWZERA's scoreline.
Mine is MWZERA 50/20/20

posted about 2 years ago

Good players can adapt to a new role easily.
Tuyz was a duelist main a few months ago before he join Loud as a Smoker.
Mazino had to switch roles to smokes and he is doing really well on it.
Chronicle can play more than 10 different agents well.
Leaf is doing pretty well on the sentinels role after switching.
It's pretty obvious zekken isn't a good enough player

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA can easily be a super region if orgs know how to sign good players.
Just disband every team except FNC and NAVI and Rebuild rosters with Turkish and CIS talents
If EMEA does that it will be free LAN wins every time

posted about 2 years ago

Keznit is a sixth man of LEV permanently on the bench while Mwzera is on the main roster of Furia.
That just says a lot.

posted about 2 years ago

Okay they are not necessarily bad but they are mid players.
At this point just make EMEA NAVI + FNC and rosters of CIS and Turkish players.
The rest are all frauds.

posted about 2 years ago

Too many frauds in EMEA franchise.
Destrian, Starxo, Soulcas, Jampii, Mixwell, Avova, Redgar and Emil, Tier 2 players in KC.
You get what I mean.

posted about 2 years ago

BBL and FUT are some of the worse Turkish team.
They do not count.
If EMEA franchise have a real Turkish superteam, every other team is done.

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA will be a super region if orgs actually know how to get good players.
So much talent in Turkish split.

posted about 2 years ago

Disband evey roster besides FNC and NAVI.
Rebuild rosters with cracked TR players from ascension

posted about 2 years ago

He don't know you lil bro

posted about 2 years ago

Can't wait to see how MWZERA plays.
I heard Leo copied his movement and playstyle from Mwzera.

posted about 2 years ago