Flag: United States
Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: July 5, 2024 at 5:09 PM
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Predicting DRX based on group stage performance lel

posted about a year ago

Ricky stop hiding

posted about a year ago

Nvm you were right lmao

posted about a year ago


Still a second map bro idk why you’re so confident

100T have a good fracture

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i disagree, there's way more factors than winrate when it comes to deciding series

different playstyles, antistrat, etc. can all change everything

posted about a year ago

ComradeVonAustria is NA's biggest friend with these jinxes

posted about a year ago

edit: nvm forgot to filter by time lmao, breeze is their best map for this roster

posted about a year ago

they lost after a seangares timeout... this is getting scary for NA ngl

posted about a year ago

geometrix just manifested will's opening 3k lmao

posted about a year ago

mako that big over bang huh? rofl

posted about a year ago

what happened to 7-2 :)

posted about a year ago

will is a Lanimal bro trust

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro wait until after the DRX game to talk shit on korea

don't want to look dumb if 100T choke

posted about a year ago

shanks would've used his conqueror's haki to dominate

posted about a year ago

FNS was on C9 for 3 months while they were still top 5

Also different people are better at different games

For example Floppy is a lot better at CS than Valorant

posted about a year ago

Koalanoob’s gonna be a bot commodity

I wonder who picks him up

posted about a year ago

you look silly now

posted about a year ago

almost all Sentinel players or oppers nowadays almost only play chamber. It's not an issue of lacking diversity and not knowing how to play other agents, Chamber is just better.

posted about a year ago

yeah bro fitting the meta is such a bad thing for players

posted about a year ago

why don't you like NA :(

posted about a year ago

pretty good on fracture tbh

posted about a year ago

why are people hating so hard when the series isn't even done yet lmao

you guys are weird at least wait until the series is done to talk shit

you don't want to seem like an idiot

posted about a year ago

tbh I think Optic just suck at breeze

posted about a year ago

For what, G2 to still not qualify and for 4/5 that did qualify to get grouped?

posted about a year ago

This dude’s an onlaner

posted about a year ago

And they called us a one team region LMAO

posted about a year ago

Yep lmao

posted about a year ago

How often do you post bro get a life

Also like all the white people in NA have EU genetics

posted about a year ago

Yay meta abuser. He should play bad agents to prove his skill.

posted about a year ago

Fr bro optic will never be one of the most consistent and successful teams with FNS bottom fragging Kappa

posted about a year ago

I said “so many” bro chill

posted about a year ago

Bro it’s ONE map

Why are so many Europeans like this lmao

posted about a year ago

Holy crap the team that starts slow every event lost their permaban+opponent’s map pick in quintuple overtime😱😱😱 they’ll never recover from this blunder

posted about a year ago

You are carrying NA with the jinxes bro thank you

posted about a year ago

I think i jinxed this lmao mb optic fans

posted about a year ago

Oh we’re losing? Crashies kick ur pc real quick

posted about a year ago

Nice attack side

posted about a year ago

They hate Jesus because he told them the truth

posted about a year ago

This dude’s been bottling up his rage for the first chance optic are down in rounds lmao

posted about a year ago

depends on the show. For example One Piece's dub is way worse because luffy sounds awful, and Bleach's dub is worse because they don't say bankai right

posted about a year ago

Bleach isn't getting simulcast? dang i didn't feel like pirating it

posted about a year ago

Very original thread, no one has ever brought this up before.

I’m excited for the quality discourse this post has prompted!

posted about a year ago

Every time i change my crosshair i end up reverting back to the 1422 anyway

posted about a year ago

-vanity -zellsis

And jett nerf screwed penny

Also no postplant meta

posted about a year ago

The Jett dash nerf was overkill and did nothing but make chamber more of a necessity

posted about a year ago

I don't remember kayo ever being that broken tbh

posted about a year ago

flair checks out

posted about a year ago
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