Flag: Canada
Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: May 18, 2022 at 4:05 AM
Posts: 1

His full response is actually in the article, the question was:

"So you’re more experienced, you’re an older NA player that the region can look up to. Obviously, the region has been pretty decimated with VALORANT players and other things happening to the region. What are your thoughts on the current NA region?"

And his response was:

"This will come as no surprise that I am saying this, but I have to say that the current region is abysmal. I mean, we saw so many new players moving to VALORANT because they just want the easy money. They see a new game and they see everyone is trying to get into it and it's easy money. I think the switch is for the money and the work ethic wasn’t there in CS to become better."

He seems to think that the people that switched don't have good work ethic and maybe that's true for some players but saying generally "the switch is for the money" is a little odd

posted about 2 years ago