Flag: United States
Registered: July 4, 2021
Last post: January 23, 2023 at 11:30 PM
Posts: 19

Deepstroking on twitch

posted about 2 years ago

5 sentences? You sound dumb as hell thinking im writing 5 secentences. Im going to be real im from broward County and we keep it real ofver here. I aint fuck with no 5 sentences i was sencetnend to 5 years in jail. Im going to be honest 5 is my fav number but let me stop playing im gay. Sorry didnt mean to put that in there just going to express my feelings like you a thepiast or some shit. If you guys dont respond its okay my dad left too. But im going to be honest and im really dedecatied to this shit i can even be yalls writer if yall need one im very expereneced in the writing department and have very good engilish. SO just let me know if yall done for everything whatever/whoever/whenever you get me!?. I used to work for a tech starup in india and would scam hella people okay let me stop before the fbi comes to my house again. Yes again i said i was going to run away from my dogs house and he took it very personal and im a little lost i have 2 kids not mine. Im dating a bad latino and also india ? im waiting for the next person to reliaze that oimgay and i like black cock in my ass.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah honestly if Ploo was on TSM i would they win but since She isnt on the team they are just shit. TSM isnt that good but ima be honest they are better than QHOPIFY. Yea win the game but game cloise will be and 2-1 kodak brimstone honestly best of the one of twitch streamer on twitch and twitch. but ima be honest twitch his tweets on twitter/twitter/2turnttt idk how many ts but you get me but on his facebook youtube market back site tiktok molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried. Personally i would molly deepfried molly deepfried and molly deepfried molly deepfriemolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedd just saying 2-1 TSM

-Deepstroking on twitch

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah honestly if shanks was on OPTIC i would they win but since he isnt on the team they are just shit. OPTIC isnt that good but ima be honest they are better than QUILD. Yea win the game but game cloise will be and 2-1 kodak brimstone honestly best of the one of twitch streamer on twitch and twitch. but ima be honest twitch his tweets on twitter/twitter/2turnttt idk how many ts but you get me but on his facebook youtube market back site tiktok molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried. Personally i would molly deepfried molly deepfried and molly deepfried molly deepfriemolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedd just saying 2-1 QUILD

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah honestly if shanks was on SOAR i would they win but since he isnt on the team they are just shit. Quard isnt that good but ima be honest they are better than sAOR. Yea win the game but game cloise will be and 2-1 kodak brimstone honestly best of the one of twitch streamer on twitch and twitch. but ima be honest twitch his tweets on twitter/twitter/2turnttttttttttt idk how many ts but you get me but on his facebook youtube market back site tiktok molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried molly deepfried. Personally i would molly deepfried molly deepfried and molly deepfried molly deepfriemolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedmolly deepfried molly deepfriedd just saying 2-1 QUARD

posted about 2 years ago

Faze needs Shanks to play over dicey. Dicey is not as good as shanks

posted about 2 years ago

Okay im going to get some hate. Rise is better idc you guys are all shit low tier piss low. If you are a optic or sen fan you are a bandwagon....Shanks is 10x the player of rawkus yes the coach. Derrek was 20x the player of shahz and they dropped the best player zombs. Fuck it idc anymore Team toaster is up next with deepstroking,Mo,Jack,Brew,Project baby. Its over for yall

Sen 2-0

posted about 2 years ago

If Rise was there they would of won both games.... Lol Sen Tenz is shit compared to RISE Shanks. Shaz doesnt match the fire power of DerrekOW and the rest are there for support..... Dapr shit, Sick shit and they dropped there best player ZOMBS. Thanks for reading Twitch.tv/deepstroking.

posted about 2 years ago

Poach is washed and Rise should be here..... Anyways Deepstrokes is up next currently silver 1...... Faze and sen are both shit #ToastUp

posted about 2 years ago

Rise 2-1
13-10 Rise
13-5 Sen
13-8 Rise

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago