Flag: India
Registered: November 21, 2022
Last post: March 17, 2023 at 7:57 PM
Posts: 11

Then I will HAPPILY get banned

posted about a year ago

100T the best

posted about a year ago

100T is better than Sentinels mate, what are you smoking lmao! I think it is fair, however LOUD over NRG everyday and Liquid could gain a few spots just because of NaTs and Redgar, they are beasts rest of them feel alright considering we haven't seen much

posted about a year ago

So, we are bringing Wardell (doesnt even play pro) SkRossi (only 1 official LAN event match and bottom fragged that too) and BabyJ (Got 13-0ed by Guard and kicked within 2 weeks of joining 100t) as ICONS, while leaving behind Nats, cNed, Yay, Mako, Chronicle, Benkai and Mixwell?????

Ladies and Gentlemen, The list is effed

posted about a year ago

What we saw in Sao Paolo, was like a starter event, just showcasing all the teams managing to franchise this year. The teams' main focus is the Masters Qualifiers and the Masters itself. So what they are doing is just feeling how good the players are on their basic aim skills and what strats could be made on the go( since they are in different regions, scrimming is negligible) . They did use some bootleg strats just to check if they work against different regions. I think the teams will definitely show their true colours in those stages. For the T2, it is basically what they get, so they need to pump all the strats at this stage itself. Not taking anything from M80 or Guard, they are super good imo but on Tarik's streams the M80 guys said that they were getting bodied by a few T1 we need to wait and watch!!

posted about 2 years ago

unlike the actual Sentinels squad....

posted about 2 years ago

100T 2-1 Fnatic, game is bout to have all maps on overtime

posted about 2 years ago

I'd the new 100T after dropping them was pretty good. Bang is a menace!

posted about 2 years ago

avg bleed fan lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Trying to find C9 main team's
last VCT LAN vod in 2022.............

oh wait, there isn't one :(

posted about 2 years ago