Flag: Turkey
Registered: January 31, 2024
Last post: February 22, 2024 at 3:46 PM
Posts: 13

he's goated anyway though

posted about a year ago

imagine bm+tbagging on 12-5 XDDDDDD

posted about a year ago

Dude, if you're doing this in front of the video of a brand plays with millions of dollars (especially tierlist videos will always appear in front of you, everyone knows that), you're really crazy. The difference between a conversation that will only be shared among your friends and a video that will be watched by thousands of people is huge.

posted about a year ago

His profile says "Nepal" and people says he's from Nepal on twitter, thats why i created this post.

posted about a year ago

Last time I checked we weren't swearing when mentioning the name of a country/race.

posted about a year ago

@Slyeghost on twitter shared a clip BLEED Ominous says "they lost to a f**** indian team or something" mentioning FUT while doing a tierlist. I already think his comment is lame but i mean thats racist lol.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I completely agree with what you said. I just wanted to point out that yay is in a worse situation than the other players at this point.

NOTE: I believe we can see prime cNed if he faces NAVI in the playoffs.

posted about a year ago

chamber nerf, game style difference

posted about a year ago

The players you mentioned (cNed, alfajer, boostio etc) did not collapse as much as the yay even if the meta changed, their "level of dominance" decreased indeed. I think yay is worse atm. There is literally no place left for yay to be good at so far.

posted about a year ago

havoc has the highest mental power in the valorant history

posted about a year ago

i mean yetujey and w0ot is already has a real close friendship, bro-to-bro..

posted about a year ago

At this point, he's enjoying the fame he gained after riot's mistake in the chamber meta in 2022.

He dont has a special "game style" like pacific teams, he's not "that" aim king like Demon1, he also don't have perfect harmony with team members like succesful emea teams. He's the issue.

posted about a year ago