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Registered: March 13, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 4:37 PM
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The playoff teams have been decided. Cloud9 and Sentinels have been eliminated and will face each other in a meaningless game.

Wouldn't call it meaningless as the 5 points sentinels can gain for LCQ is huge.

posted about a year ago

If it's map, they need Optic to 2-0 LG, and Faze needs to 2-0 EG. This will force the third tiebreaker.

posted about a year ago

Three way tie between Optic/LG, EG, and Faze. Depending on 2nd tiebreaker, Faze could get 2nd-4th.

posted about a year ago

At least they have something to build on now.Way better now than they were earlier this year.

posted about a year ago

Not out, just need NRG to lose to Guard and Ghost to not finish top 4 in playoffs. 5th-6th would be a tie, and a first round exit would be V1 ahead.

posted about a year ago

Im still snuffing the copium that V1 sneaks into LCQ.

posted about a year ago

1st : Masters
2nd : Masters
3rd : 50 points
4th : 45 points
5th-6th : 35 points
7th-8th : 30 points (First round exit)
9th-10th : 15 points (5th in groups, failed to qual)
11th-12th : 10 points (6th in groups, failed to qual)

So they get points just like v1 did in stage 1, but V1 got 5th/6th in Stage 1, so ghost needs to get top 4 to guarantee LCQ

posted about a year ago

I'd call it a slightly spicy take.

posted about a year ago

V1 is at 35 since they advanced to second round after their win over Sen in Stage 1 playoffs. Ghost sits at 30 if they exit first round, and tie at 35 if they exit second.

posted about a year ago

Honestly not a hot take, they had to grind out a whole bunch of 2-1s in stage 1, and NA looks very even right now.

posted about a year ago

I'd say Sen has a very high chance of making LCQ. I think the Guard beats NRG.

posted about a year ago

Slightly off

posted about a year ago

Sen only needs NRG to miss playoffs. Then they barely squeak in. If ghost gets a first round exit, they also get in.

posted about a year ago

Take off the top 2 as they already qual for Champs, It's the 8 remaining

posted about a year ago

Technically V1 nor sentinels are out. V1 is incredibly slim as if NRG makes it to playoffs or Ghost gets more than the minimum 30 points for playoff qual, they are out.

posted about a year ago

Unless they changed the points given between stage 1 and stage 2, Sen still has ok chances

posted about a year ago

Sentinels not out assuming LCQ remains the same as last season (Top 8 teams not qualified)

posted about a year ago

Updated it.

posted about a year ago

Loud best team in Brazil, we all know this. The question is if MiBr can overtake NIP as #2.

posted about a year ago

For those not in the playoffs and are on the bubble, Version1 needs NRG to miss playoffs, and a first round exit by Ghost.
For Sentinels they have more breathing room, especially if they can pass C9 in standings for Group B, they need 2 of NRG, Faze, and Ghost to have a first round exit.
TSM and Pittsburg Knights are out.

posted about a year ago

Assuming LCQ is the same as last year, the top 8 teams in points outside of those qualified for Champions will make it in.

Place. Team (Minimum Points after Stage 2, Current Points, Max points if out of Playoffs)

  1. Optic Gaming (780, 750, x)
  2. The Guard (210, 200, x)
    ------Champions Cutoff----
  3. XSET (75, 45, x)
  4. Luminosity (65, 35, x)
  5. Cloud9 (60, 50, 65)
  6. 100 Thieves (45, 15, x)
  7. Evil Geniuses (40, 10, x)
  8. Faze (40, 10, x)
  9. Sentinels (40, 30, 45)
  10. Version1 (35, 35, 35)
    ----Last Chance Qualifier Cut-off----
  11. Ghost Gaming (30, 30, x)
  12. Pittsburg Knights (30, 30, 30)
  13. NRG (25, 15, x)
  14. TSM (10, 0, 15)
posted about a year ago

It's not over yet. If they are able to take out C9 next week (assuming a C9 loss to LG) it brings them to 45 circuit points. (40 if they fail to do that).

As long as teams like Ghost/NRG/Faze/etc. don't make runs, they get into LCQ. Just barely though.

posted about a year ago

Cry more.

posted about a year ago

Yay on Jett was a lot more fun. Miss his cracked marshal plays. That being said, chamber is just too good right now. Most teams are putting their most cracked players on chamber, and his playstyle favors lurking and holding angles.

As far as the rest of the list, it's a big reason I like the guy, he's humble and let's his play do the talking.

Now there are still moments where Yay is must watch in VCT, but I think Victor has been the most entertaining player on the team.

Finally I think some of this has to do with you being a Brazil fan.
Not to say that as a bad thing, but Brazil tends to play faster, looser, and generally are much more entertaining than the util baitfest that is EMEA and NA. I loved watching the few games NIP played as they often hit a site in the first minute and a half. However this is generally a hard strat to win with, so you better have cracked players like LOUD or PRX if you want to get far.

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe he won't choke in masters this time.

posted about 2 years ago

I like everyone in this group, I hate having to root against any of them... but I want TSM to win for the memes

posted about 2 years ago

Tough draw for a first matchup. Definitely not a team to be overlooked

posted about 2 years ago

I'm just happy NA is good at valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant has never been more competitive. Every region has at least 1 viable team. On top of that EMEA and NA are extremely competitive regions in and of themselves.

Honestly a shame International events don't show more teams because there's

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels isn't that bad. I'm sure they'd only lose 13-2 or 13-3 instead

posted about 2 years ago

More opportunities in NA probably.

posted about 2 years ago

Girl kissers has a solid roster.

posted about 2 years ago

As long as Guild doesn't choke again.

posted about 2 years ago

Hard to say is Shaz is washed or if he's just a bad igl. But I think he needs a break. The stress is obviously getting to him.

posted about 2 years ago

Looks pretty bad for M3C right now, but could be worse. They could be as bad as Sentinels right now.

posted about 2 years ago

Tbf everyone started singing Guild's praises at the first half of stage 1 and they ended up absolutely shitting the bed.
I think Guild has the potential to make a run, but I'm not jumping on that hype train just yet.

posted about 2 years ago

M3C is fine. Competition is just getting harder. What got m3c a championship has now been applied to most teams, and it's much harder to win now because of it.

M3C is still a world championship caliber team though.

posted about 2 years ago

LG super underrated. They're a solid squad.

posted about 2 years ago

Sen was the best in NA for so long early into this game's life. Hence most players gravitated towards them as they were literally NA's best hope, at least that's the way it looked before M3. They dominated Challengers 3 and it wasn't even close.

Sentinels downfall definitely started in M3 though, as even though they were the undoubted best team NA in Challengers 3, they were the 3rd best NA team in Masters 3.

I suspect another weak showing will lead to either Sentinels fans supporting other NA teams or stop watching the pro scene altogether.

posted about 2 years ago

To answer this question seriously, OWL was a pretty big disaster for players. Besides the fact players often didn't get paid towards the end, Blizzard also fucked the players by forcing them to travel, play an immense amount of games, having a horribly balanced meta that killed DPS pros, etc.
You would have to be crazy to give OW2 a chance as a val pro, because val has consistently put their players first.

posted about 2 years ago

V1 will be fine, and Sentinels probably will as well. Teams are really just now starting to grind for Stage 2

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

2 of those games went into OT. Let's not start acting like LOUD is a bad team.

posted about 2 years ago

It's either Brazil or APAC. Rn I'd pick LOUD over PRX, but Xerxia over NIP.

posted about 2 years ago

Lolol, nice finding this goldmine.

posted about 2 years ago

I'll be rooting for Xerxia because that team plays a very clean game of val, but hopefully we can get a new APAC team in as well.

posted about 2 years ago

Fair enough, hate to see too much dominance by one region there too lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Same. Would hate to see LATAM fall far behind,

posted about 2 years ago

Technically they are still top 3 Brazil, they lost to NIP 3-2 in lower finals.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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