Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: January 12, 2023 at 1:58 AM
Posts: 1

There are these crypto betting websites which you can use to place bets on the outcome of some streamers games. Crypto throwers are people who queue snipe into the games of said streamers, then place bets depending on which team they're on. For example, say I was a crypto thrower and I sniped Zander. If I am on his team, then using the betting website I will place a bet against Zander, aka saying that he will lose the game. Then I do my best to throw just to make sure that Zander loses and I end up making a ton of money. I'm not sure how it works if the thrower is on the other team, maybe they bet against themselves too then throw. That's basically the gist of it,

posted about 2 years ago