Flag: | France |
Registered: | February 18, 2023 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 6:25 PM |
Posts: | 5703 |
Navi stomped ascent attack side everytime they played it
he is really dropping the ball this map. This could have been a far better half for DRX if he did better
Loud haha more like QUIET. Do Q sign now KEKW
There are no big forums. Just reddit twitter and discords
I agree. This should not come as a surprise. But getting a confirmation is always better.
At least some effort went into it instead of the usual bait one liners followed up by KEKWs.
My pleasure
Part 1: Team Cores
Out of the 16 teams who competed in the Alpha bracket 11 had pre-existing cores of 3 or more players. The other five were Kcorp, Giants, KOI, Heretics and GenG. This means that with the exception of BBL all EMEA teams were at a significant disadvantage to their competitors.
Koi fell after playing 2 close maps against NRG (RD -6) who are widely regarded as the 5th best team of the tournament and NAs best. Giants even took a map off of them after beating DFM. KC likewise beat FPX and played two close maps against World Champions Loud who qualified for playoffs. Admittedly Heretics got soundly defeated by a weak EG team and are the black sheep of EMEA in the Alpha bracket.
7 out 16 teams were new here (TL, Krü, Vitality, GE, T1, Sentinels, Rex Regum). Vitality played a fantastic first map against the LATAM superteam but tragically lost after triple OT and it seemed like the young team couldnt mentally recover for map 2. TL however was the black sheep of this side of the bracket. Very disappointing.
North America had 4 teams with pre-existing cores yet they are entirely absent from LockIn playoffs. Out of EMEAs 4 cores (NAVI, FNC, FUT, BBL) on the other hand 2 qualified for playoffs (NAVI, FNC) whereas FUT was 2 rounds away from 2-0ing 100T. The american team was considered to be a contender for the title of best north american team. Lastly BBL managed to take a map off of playoff team DRX in their 2-1 defeat to them.
Part 2: Stats
Out of the 4 playoffs teams only the EMEA teams did not drop a single map. Loud lost one (NRG) and DRX lost 3 (BBL, C9, Talon).
Loud had a round win differential of +24 while going to OT 3 times (GenG, 2x NRG); DRX +28 with no OTs; Navi +39 with no OTs; FNC +34 with one OT (Furia)
7 out of the top 10 players at LockIn according to VLR ratings are from EMEA (2 KR, 1 BR) and 12 out of the top 20 (+ 1 LATAM, 1 BR, 1 CN, 2 NA). The best player is Shao
Sorted by ACS 8/10 Top lockin players are from EMEA (1 KR, 1 PHI), and again 12/20. Number one is Derke.
With more develoment time EMEA is poised to become the clear best region in Valorant again due to already fielding Top level teams and having the most room for growth left.
He was fantastic in the past already. Now he has an elite team to shine on.
Honorable mentions:
Tier 1 Cned, Zyppan, Suygetsu, Chronicle,
Tier 2 Mwzera, Shyy, Alfajer, crashies, nats, Aspas
Cis is part of europe. Only turkey argument is semi valid.
This is the true answer you were looking for.
Actually no igl so it doest work. Hmm...
Right now probably Ange1 for Mako or Less then.
Loud 3-2
Navi 3-2
Navi 3-1
Personally i think omega just had the better teams but playoffs will be absolutely fire regardless. Only great teams left.
Navi 3-2 FNC
Drx 2-3 Loud
Navi 3-1 Loud
Prx has fallen off hard after Copenhagen and hasnt been a top team ever since. They suck.
I dont expect C9 and 100T to be more than decent teams. Sen maybe has some minor Potential with their new core.
Lev is the most likely to become elite out of those teams.
Emea has way higher talent spread due to the many many leagues. Turkey and France seem to have the highest viewership so longterm you will probably see the best teams there.
Ascension will be very strong here too but the individual Challengers leagues will obviously be stronger in Americas.
Team Vitality
Team Liquid (they should be top 5 at least in a couple of months)
Putting Giants 10th is braindamaged
Bozo getting what he deserves. bad day for americucks
Respect. It takes character to admit defeat in grace
Low level XDDDD. Today is the day of the tournament top 2. Entertainment value is not too high but ingame this is an EU masterclass
One of the most embarassing performances on international stage
Give completely new teams like giants and Vitality 4-5 months and you will change your tune a LOT
Even pancada admits it. It must mean the tournament is over for non EMEA teams
Americans WHERE ARE YOUUUUUU? Ah yes airplane mode on phone. my bad
11-1 on 100t map pick XDDDDDDDDDD gigastomp
Americucks get what they deserve. Omega is here. EU owns you.
Right now he is VLR rating Nr.1 of the tournament so the argument that he is the best is valid.
This is actually an insanely tough question.
The only must pick right now is Shao. I have no fucking idea who else to pick
Europe is one continent (which cis is a part of) and are culturally far more similar and less isolated from each other compared to NA and SA which are seperate continents and dont interact too much together
rest of EMEA is literally only newly assembled teams without preexisting cores. Teams like Giants and Vitality showed big potential but theyre gonna need another 3-6 months to get onto that top level.
I think people underrated the region a bit. The top teams are there already but the 3-6 teams still need time. Then they will have regional depth
its really close so why get mad over different opinions?
Americucks shitting on EU while not even getting a team to final 4. How can you be so blind no to see how stacked Navi and FNC are??? No patience to wait for Omega bracket to cope with their exit.
Take this L bozos + cope and seethe
Parla is a turkish team bud
Maybe the guy edited and you were early tho idk.
They should keep that shit off of twitter. No crime has been comitted so we dont have to meddle. And folk should really refrain from making any asumptions and judgements from this heap of messy info.
Do not cyberbully anyone here please.