8-12 1v2 with 10hp 12-12 ok
Flag: | Austria |
Registered: | July 26, 2021 |
Last post: | February 9, 2025 at 6:43 AM |
Posts: | 1561 |
8-12 1v2 with 10hp 12-12 ok
t1 has been the #1 for this whole season tho
is this guy cheating? or is he just the most gifted kid there is on earth?
legit insane I would even say give him some time and he will make a era like s1mple did
TL is still a meme team after this long lol
idk if focus would be a upgrade here, liq and fokus are on 1 lvl. Maybe PCFIC
just sell the spot so an actual t2 team can replace this t3-4 team
icy is not a good duelist, guy has never pulled a win compared to other duelists
the coach said icy was better in scrims, thats why they signed him. Which kinda proofs the point?
icy is a trial merchant like g2 has said. good in scrims, useless in officials
ngl, 2ge looks worse than eg loud and mibr lol
click 1.42
flor 1.22
legit open your eyes and watch the game. Click had much more impact than flor had throughout the map
say it again, but this time read what you wrote.
Click > flor
ty blg for 2.6 at 6-8, god praise whzy for the freebie
when? guy is holding each roster back the longer he stays, more likely that navi will just be bottom of EMEMEA
Yup, definitly FURIA is gonna go deep into champs imo, they are the best loud 2.0 we ever gotten to watch, firepower without an end
aspas wont even make it to any playoffs from now lmfao
xaxaxaxax )
2.5 koefficient vs krü
with this paste havoc will be close to aspas impact, excited to see FURIA dominate
nice downvote but everything was correct LUL
FURIA 2-0 / 2-1
Havoc > keznit
Mwzera heat and my goat Khalil can solo the whole krü roster lmao
keznit and being diffed by any brazilian duelist, name a more iconic duo lmao
kamo is not him lmfao, guy has a high ego but should play more normal
well that 100t can compete for something meanwhile tl has a avg wr of 30% in the last 2 years lol
I think the biggest problem in TL is that the roster is trash lol, nats is washed. Keiko can go back to fortnite
kamo patikek and kamyyk arent t1 material, they could be a good team for ascension - ngl they could win that but now they arent on a lvl of a t1 player
team lulquid being a meme in memea for ages now never changes lmfao
they had 3 games beforehand and alot of scrims, nonetheless. T1 masterclass, may I dare to say, FUT looks awful, and that as a EMEA watcher.
FUT wont be close to a top5 finish in the season
fut has 6 rounds on the defense side of ascent, how are they looking good? if anything that is a sign of a bad team lol
this t1 team is atm the best korean team wow, they are so fucking insane
g2 will stomp on fut
trent leaf and jawgemo are just a insane combination
ngl this g2 looks like the absolute best team atm
no luck today for trash2 lul
whats the point of sr playing here, they should be in the finals every tournament so we get less games and know the #2 and #3 earlier
should've been memea 0-3 day, unlucky for krü that they are awful
why do they play this match, this is a fast 2-0 just put SR into the gf
If you cant make it into top 4, and get eliminated as bottom you are deserved t3
no but tsm is t3, they were 2nd last place
edit: i just checked last
lowkey put him back to t3 and never let him out. guy is not made for this elo
welcome to APAC SPG, looking forward for Persia cooking GENG
9-4 11-6 11-13 lol
naos looks was too crisp and clean
that aussie jett just lost them the game solo, you could be any diamond player from NA/EU and he would do better on jett tbh
mby cuz fs is the better team? did u think about it