Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 13, 2022
Last post: August 13, 2022 at 8:29 PM
Posts: 8

Pathetic, buts its valorant so thats normal

Imagine this chileans bots in a real cs crowd kkkkk

This is my last post in this site, BR val scene is shit

Bye, see you in hltv my friends, safado

posted about a year ago

You cant Compare cs competitive lvl to valorant lvl, valorant its a joke

Furia are on a slump,since months because shit changes but they Will be back

posted about a year ago

Still 10000x better than val BR scene, just look name by name, dude tbk players are GC players Who didnt even compete in cs lol

posted about a year ago

Fallen would be ashamed of the lvl of BR scene, but i dnt mind him when in the best BR team you have players from paladin and lol, that tells you much about it

posted about a year ago

It doesnt represent me, basically unkowns and trash players.

All good players are still in cs scene

Respect brazil fdps,
Que pena perder contra os chilenos,
Eu gostaria que Fallen visse isso

posted about a year ago

nao mano, BR scene sucks It doesnt represent me mostly because players are shit and unkowns. But this fdp Talk Big now not before when playing with the Big boys

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahaha kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk boludooo

posted about a year ago

This kid so much ego in valorant, brazilians used to smash you in cs kkkkkkkk

Lucky you play against brazilians bots in valorant without experiencie,

In cs you had/have no chance, fucking bot same for chileans and arg players

posted about a year ago