Flag: United States
Registered: August 19, 2023
Last post: August 18, 2024 at 7:17 AM
Posts: 20

the most fans and the most haters

posted 6 months ago

Oh shit, i thought it was the coaching staff that did it lmao. My bad i just type here

posted 8 months ago

They should avoid an NA player.
Get someone their players are comfortable with.

c0m's entire team was mad that nzr got replaced. Bad team environment for him from the jump.

posted 8 months ago

This wasn't an upset though? It was always a close matchup.
Same delusional people that think EDG were going to beat TH some how.

posted 8 months ago

nah 100t would be getting dogged on much more if they lost
FUT getting stomped was expected

posted 8 months ago

nah, yeah u did

posted 10 months ago

never said johnqt is european, that's crazy too bro
talking about the desperate EU fans that claim that everybody is from their valorant region, and willfully expanding that to EMEA to cover more cultures that exist inside America. Worse when it comes from flairs that are a majority white, like sweden.

Reality is that it's just weird being in an immigration-based country like America, and being told that nobody here belongs here.
Everyone in America migrated here including me. I'm saying IF we are getting to this point of desparation, it is better for you to claim our white players because they are actually from EU. One step further is stating that all of the West is technically from EMEA, because they basically are.
Normal EU fans are okay though, obviously.

posted 10 months ago

nah, EU race agenda gets worse and worse each time they lose an event.

at this point just claim that every white person here is European, bc they also crossed the ocean not very long ago. claiming Africans is crazy, when NA is basically all from EMEA land aside from Asian-Americans. just claim the entire west. NA being built on immigration and race diversity doesn't change the fact that you got slapped around last 2 global events

posted 10 months ago

NA tier2 player imported over to EU is ranked at #1. I can see this being a positive trend over there

posted 11 months ago

Along with what others said, Duelist + Support role dynamic usually leads to the duelist getting more kills.
It goes both ways, gen.g got so many 1v3 round wins and that's on SEN for not keeping the enemy players under control.
Both teams are really good with talented players.

posted 11 months ago

fnc fans emotional rn too

posted 11 months ago

yeah I said correct me, I'll edit that part out, I didn't see egs bad tokyo performance

posted 11 months ago

correct me if I'm wrong, did FNC ever beat prx full roster? or only when they had a sub?
then while scrims don't mean shit, fnc also got smoked by NA teams that didn't even qualify to Champs. they were losing to SEN when SEN was trialing a mystery igl. But obviously, fnc could have been testing new strats? unsure because 2024 fnc seem like they don't use new strats.

2023 fnc deserve their wins and there's nothing teams can do about visas or substitutes.
But Kick-Off and Lock-In sucked ass and everyone agrees on kick off but not Lock-In lol. Lock-In wasn't supposed to mean much and there is a reason Kick-Off had no trophy.

posted 11 months ago

Lock-in was the worst format Valorant has had. It was also the most complained about tournament in vct history, which is impressive because everyone is always complaining.

posted 11 months ago

You are saying this while watching an NA player stream? He's not a caster, it is a fan stream. It's more meant to be a SEN watch party.
If I had to take a guess, he is saying "It's whatever" implying SEN needs to shake their loss off and keep their head in the game.

If you do wanna complain about someone being biased, complain about Pansy.

posted 11 months ago

nah bro kangkang got hard gapped by qck of all people

posted 11 months ago

not good so far when kangkang is getting jett diffed by qck

posted 11 months ago

C9 also just got a new head coach, and a new assistant GM tho

posted about a year ago

the tournaments that FNC won didn't include these versions of PRX and EG.

EG and PRX wanted the trophy. They improved and made changes to their teams to become the top 2 teams atm.

posted about a year ago