Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 21, 2023
Last post: April 27, 2023 at 8:04 PM
Posts: 8


posted about a year ago

"please spread positivity" shut up pussy

posted about a year ago

if sens W vs Loud will be a career ending event for tenz

posted about a year ago

its gonna be a massacre

posted about a year ago

nahhh man, surely one of the leviatan players was talking to some other player from a team they SCRIM. that's why he played so bad

posted about a year ago

let me guess, leviatan received insider information leaked from SCRIMS.

posted about a year ago

É incrível como ainda tem gente trouxa que cai no golpe desse xand. Esse cara é um jogador horrível. Foi um lixo dr jogador no cs e é um lixo de jogador no valorant. XAND VC NÃO TEM QUALIDADE PRA TA NO CENÁRIO PROFISSIONAL, VOCE NÃO PERTENCE A ESSE LUGAR, VAI VIVER DE LIVE

posted about 2 years ago

I was watching professional csgo and valorant players and I realized that valorant players prefer to use 800dpi, it is extremely rare to find one that uses 400dpi. As for csgo, it is the opposite, almost all players, even those of the new generation (those who grew up around mice with huge DPI numbers) prefer to use 400DPI

Could someone explain to me the reason for this trend? would be because of the difference between engine 4 and source 1 ?

posted about 2 years ago