Flag: United States
Registered: August 13, 2023
Last post: March 21, 2024 at 1:53 PM
Posts: 17

we might be too far off the deep end with this one bro

posted about a year ago

for chocolate you suck it till it melts, for ice cream its a mix of sucking and a kind of like softer bites

posted about a year ago

EG is a broke org bro, who knows if they even franchise this year...

posted about a year ago

tbf you can play omen aggressively and Tenz seems to be doing a goodjob with that, he isn't even the main smokes on the team as Zellsis fills it more often in the matches they have played. He did fine and you just gotta stick with the roster man

posted about a year ago

Tenz 2nd fragged as omen, and he also plays harbor for them, he's a flex player his duelist days are over and he can perform way better this way

posted about a year ago

EG just has really solid teamwork and they know how to frag well, really good team and by far NAs most coordinated team

posted about a year ago

nah fr if loud lose lotus then its over lol.

posted about a year ago

nah ez 2-1 comback

posted about a year ago

you right mb

posted about a year ago

i have my money on edg or bbg after today they both have shown ridiculously impressive aim and reads in general in the games they played and plus its always fun to root for the underdogs.

posted about a year ago

FR they need a roster change bad, Ardiis is too big of an ego to be playing the way he does, the second he gets diffed he just spirals. Crashies has some good moments but they aren't consistent enough. FiNESSE is good but has been lacking on reclears and just winning 1s lately

posted about a year ago

fr Pansy is funny af and knows her craft insanely well, people just hate whenever she cheers for a specific team round to round as a good caster should imo

posted about a year ago

if nrg can win this game yes, but they are getting sat by billi billi atm

posted about a year ago

fr this man is coping after watching Fit1nho just bombed both matches, didn't frag out how he needed to and his space takes on attack were sloppy and uncoordinated.

posted about a year ago

You can't let Giants have a standing in how EU is they just ended up throwing a lot of simple rounds but that happens whenever you are against dominant fraggers like most of EDG, GG to Giants and GL to their off season.

posted about a year ago