Flag: Algeria
Registered: September 5, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 7:24 AM
Posts: 14

Kaajak clears nothing. Comeback is better player than him. Just watch the match

posted 1 day ago

"Losing to soulcas in big 24 is crazy" Apex was the favorite team from the beginning of the tournament. It was definitely a great run for pcific

posted 3 days ago

heretics is literally carried by 2 turkish players my guy. Calm down

posted 3 days ago

tf u talking about?? Pcific >>>>>> apeks

posted 3 days ago

Alfajer & Leo

posted 3 days ago

Alfajer and Suygetsu

posted 1 week ago

xeus and kaajak > comeback

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

mini's monitor 💀 (bro's trolling for sure)

posted 1 week ago

They said the same for magnum and alfajer 😉

posted 1 week ago

Still messi is greatest and most talented player of all time

posted 1 week ago

Comeback > izzy

posted 1 week ago

Comeback has better stats than kaajak in ascension. And xeus is much better than comeback. So xeus > comeback > kaajak

posted 1 week ago