Flag: Germany
Registered: April 27, 2020
Last post: December 5, 2021 at 3:40 PM
Posts: 89
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No, the link to the image was just wrong/broken.

posted about 3 years ago

I think he needs to isolate for at least one week after after his positive pcr test with the current rules. But it slightly differs between each state so it might be different in Berlin.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

It should have been possible for champions 3 already to have a crowd with the current regulations. Not sure if the additional effort was just too much of a hassle or if it was sth else

posted about 3 years ago

and 285 adr for both maps

posted about 3 years ago

Already wrong about split :-D
But the picks are quite different than your expected ones. Let's see if the full prediction is closer to the result at the end.

posted about 3 years ago

just watch plat chat val instead ;-)

posted about 3 years ago

As Fontuctus said just dm Enigma on discord and teill him where you want to help (writer/ticker for specific regions,...)

posted about 3 years ago

Why did the strongest team of this region have to play each other in the QF's?

posted about 3 years ago

What a nerve-wracking game!

posted about 3 years ago

Their haven can't be worse

posted about 3 years ago

The end of a 60-wins series

congrats to f4q!

posted about 3 years ago

From the closeness of the match against RNG is looks like they are in the correct position between approx. 8-16 where everyone is close together. If they continue loosing more matches against opponents of that rank they will go further down. But that match against RNG could have gone either way.

posted about 3 years ago

big diff on ascent and haven in comparison to jupiters win yesterday :o

posted about 4 years ago

No map advantage:

by the way the grand finals has no map advantage
feels like everytime we go thru the uppers there isnt a advantage Sadge

posted about 4 years ago

well now he played and destroyed his opponent once more

posted about 4 years ago

Insane first map from allow :-o

posted about 4 years ago

hello ;)

posted about 4 years ago

Great stuff!

posted about 4 years ago

I think it would be a big upset if ballista takes this match.

2:1 for heretics ;-)

posted about 4 years ago

We only add streams of (pro)players who have a player profile on

posted about 4 years ago

can't you just use a parabel curve instead of a straight line for the hitcalculation?

posted about 4 years ago

A bit of a surprise after the 3:0 and 2:0 win of anubis in their most recent matches against each other

posted about 4 years ago

Great article!

posted about 4 years ago

stats are off since they restarted at 5:1

posted about 4 years ago

Why should liquid be #3?
they have lost 6 of their most recent 15 games and of their wins only 2 are against slightly stronger teams (nip and prodigy/orgless). So why should they currently be further ahead (when they even lost their most recent games against teams ahead of them (e.g. guild/bonk)?

Everything behind G2 and FPX is a pretty open field inside a 100 point range from position 3 to 8. So you can't deduce much from the standing and it seems possible that most of them could take a map from one of the other teams.

Most likely the standing will be different after the completed first strike event, but currently everything else would be just speculation about how teams might have evolved over a certain period where we haven't seen anything big from them.

posted about 4 years ago

And the lost upper final a week ago maybe

posted about 4 years ago

No at least the score part should be fixed soon. Hiding winners is more difficult if the rest of the bracket further ahead is also already set/played out, since you can just see the winner there

posted about 4 years ago
None of the players said he got this bug, but it seems to happens sometimes

posted about 4 years ago

Did you read what you linked? It's clearly explained in there why Guild was DQ'd and G2 only got a warning due to another rule.

...using any [...] bug to seek an advantage is exploiting...

The elderflame bug doesn't bring any advantage...

posted about 4 years ago

Listening to you it sounds like they should have placed at the full end where they don't belong as we can see after the two matches. I think they should have placed ~10 places further behind and andbox & equinox more to the front with andbox somewhere at the top but for now the organizers seem to have done one of the best jobs of any running event yet.

And c9 white is at least well established in comparison to some teams who haven't played in a single event before this tournament and still got pretty good seeds.

But the biggest problem I have with your reasoning is that you just insert insults everywhere instead of just discussing it objectivly

posted about 4 years ago

Thanks, I forgot to add it to the matches

posted about 4 years ago

A player of Far couldn't get back in to the game due to the valorant error 51.

posted about 4 years ago

Murii from Wave wasn't able to get back in the game due to valorant error code 51.

posted about 4 years ago

They had to play upper final of the epic31 event at the same time:

posted about 4 years ago

but 4 chances for the first round, and two for the 2nd round :-D even liquid should get through this :-P

posted about 4 years ago
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