Flag: Singapore
Registered: May 17, 2022
Last post: February 24, 2025 at 12:49 AM
Posts: 7

They had to fkin nerf my pickems T-T
Why is same region matchups allowed T-T

posted 1 week ago

Jing needs to flex n not be a 1 trick pony.

posted 3 months ago

Ik igl is a tough job but boaster needs to step up or risk his job because his individual performace is costing fnatic way too much. Make you wonder if passing on the igl role to someone else might buck up his own performace

posted 6 months ago

500k buyout plus played decent for this whole year prolly is the reason why, dont understand them keeping both sscary and crazyguy unless things really is 100% worked out tho

posted 6 months ago

Talon isnt bad, they are inconsistent.
Team Secret is good, but they have Tottenham Hotspur in their blood
Basically who throw more loses

posted 7 months ago

To be fair, doesnt the winner of this qualify for champs cause paper rex already qualified?
Edit: i stand corrected, from my understanding written below:
If GENG wins they qualify
If RRQ wins they still need to get top 3(?)
Correct me if i am wrong

posted 7 months ago

prolly cause its random generated, 50-50 chance for T1 to face either paper rex and GenG. Cant face drx cuz paper rex will go against Gen G who is in the same grp. (2nd sentence is what im assuming)

posted about a year ago