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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 3:34 AM
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FPX stomped on fracture without breach in Copenhagen

posted about a year ago

Are you okay? You seem a bit distressed

posted about a year ago

Boaster is one of the most popular Valorant players. I think in EU he is top 5 in terms of Twitter followers. And both Fnatic and boaster personally have a pretty solid brand in Japan as well. He is pretty close to a lot of JP Valorant players, the JP fans love him, why wouldn't they announce it like that?

posted about a year ago

I really don't understand that, there must have been something weird behind the scenes. Three Spanish orgs and no DACH org? BIG has a huge CS fanbase in Germany and I feel like including them could have absolutely pulled additional viewership.

posted about a year ago

Apparently they had their NA spot already secured and Riot changed their mind last second. G2 would definitely have had the money to potentially buy out the entire OpTic roster. They could have built a brand in NA with the best roster in VCT history. Carlos really fucked up big time.

posted about a year ago

Their current roster is only ask and cloud, the rest is already gone.

posted about a year ago

for real, how did they go from one of the worst teams in terms of mental to one of the best in like two months? i hope they keep it up, their teamplay is so good, i wanna see them actually go far for once

posted about 2 years ago

val has more currently active players than csgo, but csgo (i would assume) has more total players (as in, people who have played in the past but might not necessarily play any more).

generally a game (esports or conventional sports) tends to be more interesting to watch if you've played it yourself and understand some of the details. so i feel like just taking active playerbase as a metric is a bit sketchy.

additionally, cs has been around much longer as an esport. it takes time to accumulate a loyal viewerbase. up until now, val hasn't even had a consistent format yet. i reckon the new league system, plus crowds at LANs, will probably do their part to help val gain more viewers.

posted about 2 years ago

The only correct answer

posted about 2 years ago

For the beginning, to build the eSport and accumulate regular viewers it's probably good to have a consistent basis of high clout teams like SEN, TSM, G2, etc, even if they perform worse than other teams. Don't forget Val viewership is still much lower than league or cs. This will last for 5 years, then we will see where it goes.

In football, the first league in England also waited a few decades before introducing promotion and relegation.

posted about 2 years ago

How was their group in Copenhagen easy? They literally had the finalist from Reykjavik in there

posted about 2 years ago

Can't blame them tbh

posted about 2 years ago

Rogue perhaps. They don't have a val team yet, but they're in LEC, they might have a chance at Val franchising anyway. At least they're on the shortlist.

posted about 2 years ago

Optic is the only team that has made it to the top 4 at three separate LANs. They were the best team in Reykjavik and deserved the win. This time they weren't, because other teams improved and I feel like optic kind of stagnated. They're still among the best though, sure M1 was unlucky for FPX and FNC but there is no asterisk for optic's Iceland win imo

posted about 2 years ago

Egg > fried chicken restaurant

posted about 2 years ago

Leviatán literally made it further than the Guard AND XSET under the exact same circumstances (first LAN, seeded into playoffs). KRÜ made it further than any NA team at champs. Optic is currently better than any SA team, surely, but the rest of NA is pretty mediocre at the moment.

posted about 2 years ago

Derke was #1 ACS at champions and #3 in Iceland 2021. Lay off the drugs man

posted about 2 years ago

Well if you read past the headline, Brave was not benched for performance reasons.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean I don't think you can judge Boaster on his performance in Iceland. He is the IGL, there is a lot more to that role than just pew pew, and he had two players on his roster that he had very little time to prepare with, which means he had to do a lot more micromanagement during the game, which makes it incredibly hard to frag.

He clearly is not the best mechanical player, but he is one of the best IGLs, and honestly if you've watched EMEA challengers, he has stepped up his game mechanically. He was hitting shots like crazy in the group stage game and they only really stumbled in the last two matches against FPX and G2 after they were already qualified (which was concerning for sure, but overall Boaster specifically has looked good this year so far)

posted about 2 years ago
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