Flag: United States
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 10:39 PM
Posts: 11

Olivia Rodrigo 100%

posted 8 months ago

You must be low ranked if you believe that. That actually may be one of the most braindead takes that I have EVER read online.

posted 11 months ago

Actual brainrot

posted 11 months ago

Demon1 washed and 2020 TenZ back? TenZ >>> Demon1???

posted 11 months ago

She liked a tweet of yours. Congrats? But that doesn't mean she knows you lmfao. Go outside sometime.

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

What does everybody think the cleanest skin/riot gun buddy combo is? I feel like we see a lot of different combos during VCT because obviously all players have all skins and buddies and stuff... so what are all of your takes?

posted about 2 years ago

You're obviosly entitled to your own opinion, but just be aware that the entire existence of the lawyer occupation is to handle exactly this. They are (really well) trained to handle things at the lowest and most discreet level for both sides, innocent AND guilty. This includes being the one handling evidence and dealing with the investagators themselves. Sinatraa likely didn't have a say in it, and he chose the right option regardless of if he is guilty or innocent.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't have an opinion on the matter as a whole, but I'm genuinely curious at the "He didn't comply" argument. In any sort of investigation of any kind, as well as regardless of being innocent or guilty, you are told time and time again, to keep your mouth shut. So even if it wasn't a lawyer that made him do that, he just took the (very sound) advice that is preached all through life. More than likely though, it was a lawyer that made him keep his mouth shut. I'd genuinely like to know the thought process behind that argument.

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to a comment, but I'm dumb and apparently don't know how to do that, so it is now it's own comment. Anyone on both sides more than welcome to answer.

posted about 2 years ago