Flag: Spain
Registered: August 4, 2023
Last post: August 23, 2024 at 9:49 AM
Posts: 8

i feel like sunset is like EG's Fracture last year: teams tought they had a chance against EG on that map and ego picked it just to get stomped on it without even getting double digits. I would love to see sunset tho

posted 6 months ago

haven remains obvs

posted 6 months ago

2-0 for TH:

LEV bans Lotus and Sunset (sunset has been an excellent map for heretics, but also a good one for LEV, i feel like they might ego their way into sunset and get stomped)

TH bans Icebox and Ascent (ascent has been their perma-ban for a long time: the last time they were supposed to play ascent was against NaVi on June 19th, but they actually won 2-0 and didn't even get to play the map. Banning Ascent feels weird tho, comps are usually the same and u are not really supposed to hide anything on that map, they also played against teams who had a very bad record on Ascent and could've picked it, weird)

MAP 1: Bind 13-10 TH
Map 2: Abyss 15-13 TH

I feel like even if Aspas shows up this game, there's just no chance LEV wins against TH. Hope im right

posted 6 months ago

c0m is the biggest stats player I've seen at the professional level, the guy is good at the game, but I could never play with this fucker, I've seen the guy not take a gunfight on a 1v1 after winning the round just to save his kd

posted 6 months ago

team shitters

posted 6 months ago

Wtf are these names man

posted about a year ago

NRG wins 2-1, fns masterclass on last map Split, 10-2 half, Bilibili fakes the comeback and NRG wins 13-8

posted about a year ago