Flag: Singapore
Registered: July 22, 2024
Last post: July 23, 2024 at 12:52 AM
Posts: 2

Thank you brother 😁

posted 7 months ago

DRX vs KRU feels 50/50 (but DRX looks better so far since Stage 2 playoffs. The rookies might get nervous and make mistakes during Champs though)
Rip FPX in Group B (GenG should be guaranteed given how consistent they've been the whole year. The other team should be between Heretics and Sentinels. For now, I feel that Heretics has the edge over Sentinels based on Stage 2 results but it really depends on each team's form during match day)
LEV's free pass to playoffs (Feels rigged but that's just me being salty. Other than LEV, Vitality should be the other team making it here)
G2 and PRX for Group D (I'm probably underestimating FUT and EDG since I don't really watch their matches but G2 and PRX should have the highest chance to make it to playoffs since the talent for everyone in their roster is insane)

Although I'm a PRX fan, PRX map pool isn't looking too good right now since Abyss replaced Split (one of their good maps) so this may be an upset and FUT might take their spot instead. Strong Pacific bias since I'm from Asia but worst case scenario, KRU replaces DRX and FUT replaces PRX.

posted 7 months ago