Flag: Canada
Registered: December 9, 2021
Last post: March 21, 2024 at 1:13 AM
Posts: 71
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Do the interview and don't be dumb.

posted 11 months ago

Asc 2 peak Immo 1

posted about 2 years ago

I did the survey. I hope it helps with your project :)

posted about 2 years ago

What is the difference between questions 3 and 8? To me, they sound like the same question

posted about 2 years ago

I also think that players should be able to queue while in the range.

posted about 2 years ago

I see where you are coming from. However, it may be tough to learn agents in unrated since everyone's rank, and skill level in the game may differ and how easy it is to ff the game.

I guess I suggested this because it may affect the number of players who play the game.

posted about 2 years ago

Many Valorant players have voiced their concerns about comp. A few of the common problems range from stream sniping, smurfing, and toxicity. In a way, I can agree that Valorant Comp can get frustrating and that there are uncontrollable variables. However, I believe there are ways to improve any player's in-game experience potentially.

Now hear me out, some of my suggestions may be crazy, but I have reasons for proposing this:

First suggestion: Avoid as teammate option

This option is inspired by Overwatch 2. Many pro players experience stream sniping, and as a result, it affects the outcome and experience of the game. The opportunity to "avoid as a teammate" can limit the number of players influencing the games in high-level lobbies due to stream sniping. However, there is a catch. To prevent the abuse of this option, there has to be a limit to the number of times this option can be used. The reason for a limiter is that if abused, players climbing can avoid the best players and affect the balance of the ranked queue. This option should be similar to a blocklist, meaning that a user can add or remove a player from that option. Therefore, with this option, players may have more extended queuing periods. However, it should pay off if players experience less stream sniping, boosted, toxic players, etc.

Second suggestion: Restrictions on 5-stacking

It has been revealed that some players have reached higher ranks by five stacking with lower-rank teammates. For example, one player (I can't recall his username, but he was exposed on Shahzam's stream) got to radiant by five stacking with four iron players. As a result, Valorant has more boosted players in ranks they are not qualified to compete at. Therefore, five stacking should be allowed if the rank difference is not severe (i.e., Diamond 3 can queue with players between Plat 3 to Immortal 3). Even then, I believe the queue should be at the identical rank (i.e., if a player is Diamond 3, they can only queue with players at the Diamond level). There shouldn't be a way to queue ranked with significantly lower-ranked players, even if the higher-ranked player gains very little elo.

Final suggestion (but the most absurd one): Ban Multi accounting

This suggestion may be absurd, but effective in the long run. For example, in the game OSU! having multiple accounts is a bannable offense because it would affect the ranking system. As a result, the rankings of OSU! are consistent and earned. Now I know OSU! is not an FPS game; however, other games have elements that can be implemented to make Valorant an overall better game. For example, there are skill differences between players and why users are placed in specific ranks. Having smurfs (although some may see it for lower players as a way to get better) affects the balance of low-elo games and the fun of competitive Valorant. If one wants to play with their friends but the rank discrepancy is significant, play unrated or the other game modes provided by Valorant.

Please feel free to leave your ideas and suggestions; everyone's opinion makes a difference in the Valorant community. I may not have addressed every issue in the game, but that is where the users come in to help.


posted about 2 years ago

You cannot solo viper on bind or fracture. You either run a Brim or Astra, or you double controller

posted about 2 years ago

Iron 1 to Immortal 1 ... then back to Ascendent 2 lmao. Been down bad recently.

posted about 2 years ago

Damn, I didn’t know SUYGETSU was able to play this late into the tourney. I would of had FPX to win instead of GUILD… RIP my perfect playoff bracket :(

posted about 2 years ago

I am expecting 2 new NA teams to go to Masters. I am looking forward to the upcoming playoff matches :)

posted about 2 years ago

One of the places I got to visit :)

posted about 2 years ago

I would love to. Got family in Rome so maybe sometime soon :)

posted about 2 years ago

Literally, have a third of the Vatican City population here. Its awesome.

posted about 2 years ago

What do you think would be considered enough if they were ever to implement agent bans?

posted about 2 years ago

I agree that as of right now that there aren't enough agents. What would be considered enough?

posted about 2 years ago

Thank you for the clarification :)

posted about 2 years ago

I like this concept, it's only a matter of time before this gets implemented. The current prize money for each tournament is still low for an international event, so I am hoping they will increase the amount won on the international stage.

COVID regulations have also hindered ideas like this but eventually when restrictions hinder, we will see this plan out.

posted about 2 years ago

What if we have it where if a team bans a character on one map, they cannot ban the same character again for the rest of the series?

posted about 2 years ago

We would still get to see Jett, but not on every map

posted about 2 years ago

What if a team has already banned Jett on the first map, can't ban the same character twice in a series?

posted about 2 years ago

That makes sense, but I think since characters are getting nerfed and buffed, there will be more balance when it comes to character selections.

posted about 2 years ago

I never even considered this idea. It is very interesting but I'm not sure how it would fair well because once a team is on defense, they would play mostly sentinels like cypher, kj, and chamber.

posted about 2 years ago

It seems obvious of course but who knows if Riot will ever implement this. More teams are practicing characters for each map that popular agents are not being played on specific maps as before. For example, some teams have decided to play Breach instead of Sova on Haven and some teams have even brought out some wildcards like Neon and Yoru to pro play. So I feel like the bans would make the game more interesting.

posted about 2 years ago

I think I understand what you are trying to imply. Correct me if I am wrong but are you saying that a team picks Jett and Chamber as their first picks, that means the other team cannot ban them but can ban 2 of the remaining agents and etc. Can you clarify if this is what you mean?

posted about 2 years ago

They have a lot of things they need to work on to have the chance. Even with 10 spots for NA, TSM still may not make it. We were able to get surprises in the NA region like the rise of The Guard and Akrew, more teams will explode onto the scene and fight for the chance to represent their region. Overall, I think TSM playing in the small tournaments is a good start. There are other factors that can be implemented to improve that team so it's a matter of time until we see the progression of TSM.

posted about 2 years ago

Hopefully, changes occur as the popularity of the game continues to grow.

posted about 2 years ago

That might be a while then. Depending on how many characters they release every year, it might not be implemented until a couple years from now.

posted about 2 years ago

I noticed a lot of teams are moving away from Sova on Haven because of how good Breach is. We even witnessed Neon on Haven. Like what if a team banned Neon on Haven when against Optic?

posted about 2 years ago

You have a point, but I also noticed that each team has different comps for each map. For example, PRX plays Yoru on bind instead of Jett. On split, some teams do not play Jett. So if we had bans for each map, the character bans may vary.

posted about 2 years ago

I think a lot of people do. There are ways to improve the format of tournaments and hence, I brought up a discussion to gather people's opinions and ideas in regards to the future of Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

As Riot continues to add new maps and characters, I wonder how the format of future international events will turn out? There are a couple of aspects that could be implemented in future tournaments that can make Masters more entertaining and interesting; it is a matter of time.

Hear me out:

  1. Having more teams from each region: Having 12 and 16 teams in International tournaments seems like too little. The fact that only 1 team from Japan, Korea, and LATAM can qualify (In reference to the current Masters) seems unfair but understandable because of the strength of the other regions. I was thinking at least 24 teams would be better, for example, 4 NA, 5 EMEA, 4 APAC, 3 KR, 3 JP, 3 BR, and 2 LATAM in a tournament of 24 (Note: this is just an example not what I think should be the exact format). The format and the number of teams from each region that qualify would vary. However, I think that there should at least be a minimum of 2 teams from each region for every international tournament. The reason for this is because of the viewership from each region. If we look at the LATAM region, they have a lot of fans (especially when KRU had a miraculous run in the Valorant Champions 2021) but since they only had one team (in the current Masters) and unfortunately got eliminated too early, Riot loses most of the regional viewership in LATAM. Valorant continues to grow in popularity. It is only right to see more teams from each region since it is not just NA, EMEA, and BR that is continuously growing.

  2. Character Bans: Since Riot continues to add more characters, I feel like character bans should be experimented with and implemented in future tournaments. There are still players in the current tournament that only play one character. And by having character bans would (I believe) make the games more interesting and entertaining because teams would have to prepare for the unexpected. It would also force players to learn more than one character and teams to improvise and adopt additional strategies. Therefore, I was thinking that each team gets one character ban that both teams cannot use (for example, if Team A bans Jett and Team B bans Chamber, both teams cannot play any of those characters for either the specific map or whole series).

There are other ideas that I most likely missed so ... let me know what you think should change for the future :)

posted about 2 years ago

The way the matches are going, I am not surprised if this actually happens. This tournament has been full of upsets, which is making this event very entertaining.

posted about 2 years ago

That is true. Other than that, he has been fairly consistent throughout the tourney.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm looking forward to the ZETA and PRX, as well as the LOUD and PRX matchup (if that does happen).

posted about 2 years ago

I couldn't agree more with this statement

posted about 2 years ago

This is true. For example, if you remember how Faze used to play, they were always aggressive on both defense and offense however they were never coordinated when it came to utility combination and trading and that is why they barely found success in VCTs against tier 1 NA teams.

This just shows how difficult it is to replicate PRX's playstyle.

posted about 2 years ago

They definitely deserve more credit. What they are doing to powerhouse teams proves how great of a team they are. We will most likely see them at the next masters for sure. What is crazy is that their duelist is always consistent. You barely ever see Jing or Forsaken bottom fragging in a match which is crazy.

posted about 2 years ago

They look really strong, I wonder how they will do against teams like LOUD and even ZETA who tend to be more aggressive teams in comparison to the rest.

posted about 2 years ago

Although it seems like they only hold 'w,' their ability to trade and combine utility is what has given them a lot of success throughout the playoffs.

It seems like they have "zero fundamentals" but in reality, it's unorthodox in comparison to other teams because most teams play slow. I think the benefit of PRX's playstyle is that they barely leave it until the last 30 seconds to initiate a site. Instead, they attack sites very fast because it provides them with an advantage in numbers when initiating a site before the defending team can rotate. Usually, when a team initiates a site within the last 30 seconds, the defending side can predict the site the attacking team will hit, meaning they will be able to rotate quicker and have more numbers in preparation.

On PRX's defensive side (on Split), most of the time there were 4 players on one site because of how much space they were able to take. As a result, they only lost one round on defense. What makes PRX (on defense) even more amazing is that they barely blunder when they are aggressive. The players that usually get aggressive are the duelist because of the abilities to get a pick and then get out (for example you have the Jett dash, Reyna dismiss, and Raze satchels). The other PRX players won't get as aggressive as Jing or Forsaken because their utility is far too important to lose at the beginning of the round (especially on defense).

To conclude, teams will continuously have a hard time countering PRX's playstyle because of PRX's ability to trade and combine utility to initiate a site. There is more to PRX than we assume.

Let me know what you think :)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I agree with this as well.

posted about 2 years ago

I think Paper Rex will make it to the next masters as well

posted about 2 years ago

Do you think it is time for them to make roster changes?

posted about 2 years ago

Code Geass but JJK is good as well

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Fair enough. That is one way to look at it.

posted about 3 years ago

I see what you mean. What I should have probably said is that once they fall so far behind it is like they lose motivation or give up to an extent. Even if they don't show their frustration through the comms videos, it could still affect individuals differently. I do agree that it can be left up to the analysis.

I know tex doesn't play Jett however when he plays Reyna and raze his performances against T1 teams are not up to level. I think him on KAYO and Skye is okay but I think they should try ANDROID on raze or Reyna at some point whether it is in VCT or NSG it's up to them.

The issue with that bind comp is that Raze brings so much impact compared to Skye as if it is required on that map. Just like how sage is important on icebox because of how the b site is set up. Of course, the teams would know how comps work better because of their scrims and practical experience, I am just giving providing an opinion based on what I see.

I would never say I am thoroughly correct and I do see where you are coming from.

Thank you for the insight :)

posted about 3 years ago

I definitely agree with this statement. s0m does create more problems because of his limited selection however as of right now he has been performing fairly well, even though they have been losing. Jett-only players will definitely fall out of meta sooner or later, especially once Riot implements banning agents in their tourneys. Although ANDROID can learn and master new agents it does become more difficult to play a style that suits him like how it did on ANDBOX; but I guess that comes with time.

Thank you for the comment :)

posted about 3 years ago

You do make a good point. But what if it continues to happen? Like what if they go 0-5 or 1-4 in the groups, do you think they will make any changes?

posted about 3 years ago
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