Flag: India
Registered: February 16, 2024
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 6:40 AM
Posts: 4

Lightingfast watch party on youtube

posted 10 months ago

tell their management that this lineup isn't it, they had so much time to figure it even after kickoff as they lost terribly; it looked like they went to SEN's vlr, took their comps and came to play matches with no practice or scrims. they had absolutely zero retake protocols, no mid rounding, no util to set their duelist up and how tf they picked the literally worst option available to them as an export when it comes to making space, yay was never that kind of guy who could have impact making space he always needed to be set up for a kill which bl00d failed alongside the fact that their duelist is washed.

posted 10 months ago

the fraud allegations

posted 10 months ago

Why wouldn't you not consider the experience and different play styles these players bring to GE
Also Blazeking has been fragging hard in his region for two-three damn years and had so much more impact than rossi not as a fragger but in fullfilling what his team needs from him.
Polvi is looking good on the entry role and have a strong mental to come back after a round which rossi lacks heavily; Can you deny the fact of rossi's inconsistency over the past season?
You haven't heard a single calling VOD by russ and you say "Severine Clears" and this is just nuts, also you should look for today's sunset VOD for one of the most finest midrounding GE has ever done.
"Skillz<<LF" why?
I guess check there vlrs.

posted about a year ago