Flag: Portugal
Registered: October 25, 2020
Last post: August 23, 2021 at 2:54 PM
Posts: 22

I would expect anytime soon a change for Ange1 , he isn't gonna continue with FPX and he won't have trouble finding a team
I wouldn't be surprised if he goes to Navi or Gambit and go full CIS

posted about 3 years ago

Liquid actually so smart , getting Nivera for Valorant and get Jampii for free on their CSGO roster :D

posted about 3 years ago

I like Lowkii and Bramz especially on Vitality they re a young team but have talent ( they can t qualify for Iceland though )
FPX is as i said ( imo ) the very best team in the world ATM , they have a really good firepower and have the best IGL in the world who is Ange1
On the other hand BDS have prob the biggest firepower in EU but i think against FPX they would get counter play , i think FPX currently own them 3-0 or something like that.
But for sure I see both FPX and BDS qualifying for Iceland

posted about 3 years ago

FPX is a no-match on a good day and even without a "good day" they re imo the best team in the world
BDS and SEN can try to fight for the title also if they don't choke but FPX should be the scariest team if they go to Iceland

posted about 3 years ago

really hard to tell because rifler isn t really a role in Valorant cause of agents you know.
If you mean who's the best aimer i'd probably go for either ScreaM , Zyppan or TenZ

posted about 3 years ago

bruh EU only has 2 it s disgusting , i really wish FPX will manage to go throught that s probably the only team i wanna make it to LAN

posted about 3 years ago

Can someone tell me how much slots regions have to qualify and how they do it ? I wanna follow but can t understand how teams qualify ?

posted about 3 years ago

not really imo , top teams have been changing a lot lately
G2 Liquid Fnatic were top teams now they re gone
FPX and NIP are atm the most consistent teams and without this semi final curse , FPX are just unstoppable and are even not playing to their full potential as Ange1 mentionned in an interview they have more strats and lineups for the future

posted about 3 years ago

I mean that s just my thoughts , but yeah when Zyppan is ON he s just unstoppable

posted about 3 years ago

that is 100% right atm people are just looking for VS because of the 100 win streak but it s only in their region i don t tell that this is bad but i really don t think they would have won more than 10 matchs on EU or 20 on NA

posted about 3 years ago

there will be tons of upset and i m ready for that , LANs are another world , for now on pros only played online so we'll see who beats the pressure in Iceland ( not to mention that Ange1 has tons of experience on LANs and majors )

posted about 3 years ago

I've been saying it since the roster was officialized , they really are the best team in the world and i'm surprised people are sleeping on FPX atm
Ange1 is trully the best IGL worldwide atm and it s not even debatable , he's got thousands steps ahead of every team it s like he's been playing the game since 5 years.
I really wish to see them playing in Iceland ? BTW can someone tell me if FPX are already qualed for Iceland or if not how do teams qualify for it ?

posted about 3 years ago

should be a FPX win but considering they re cursed in semi finals forever than i don t know XD

posted about 3 years ago

people really making a dreamteam when FPX exists XD

posted about 3 years ago

Happy or Jampii are the potential candidates
i don t think Happy wants to lead and Jampii can't lead
I definitely think Kryptix or L1nk will take the role of ec1s and they will bring a firepower player

posted about 4 years ago

Yep i dont know which t1 team would pick Jampi though

posted about 4 years ago

if the rumors are true it should be Giants :
Giants was rumored to be creating sort of a international superteam with free agents that are Meddo , Davidp and ex Nolpenki players
I don t see any top team changing their roster , G2 is already trying Vaak and Liquid won t make change before another 2 mounths ( other than a player that decides to quit because of injury or something but Liquid is truly the long term team )

posted about 4 years ago

Ranked change the thing you talked about Immo being plat is just the effect of allowing 5 stack , people just uprank on 5 stack but sucks on soloQ
I do not agree with reverting the trap disabling when dead , i think it s kind of make sense , at 1st i wasn t happy at all with this change but now i realize , it balances the job between each agent that is "high rish high rewards" before cypher could peek and die but still do his job with traps now he gotta be aware. Do agree for Sage though
rest is fine but most important thing i agree with you is the random spray mechanic

posted about 4 years ago

No that sucks because people should be able to have fun in lower ranks playing with mates
just Immo soloQ should be a thing because there are way too much boosted Immortals that reached it while playing stacked games , but when they actually play soloQ they have plat skill at max

posted about 4 years ago

I don't think it was OP , people just didn't know how to counter it because no one was entering site with dash or double satchel as we would today
just look at everyone in the roster that can get through really easily Cypher's trap and cages ( Jett , Raze , Omen , Phoenix ULT , Skye , Sova even Sage and Reyna can with lucky timings )
Sentinel are supposed to hold a 5 man rush alone and i feel with the latest nerf it s not the case anymore , puting a speed decrease when going on an ennemy's cage is surely aprreciated

posted about 4 years ago

Hi , since episode 2 is coming next week i'd like to know which things you want to be added or changed for next update ^^
here's mine :
Most important thing = flash nerf ( too much flash and too much viability , it's too fast there aren t counter play or only few )
Sentinel buff = make the cage as it was during BETA ( slowing ennemies when they go through , Cypher has a lot of problem against Jett and especially her dash to making it slower with cage's speed decrease would be top , also make the cam dc a bit shorter ) , For KJ i'd only buff the 40m range to 45 or 50 at max so for huge maps like Ascent or Icebox it s easier for KJ to be a more rotative sentinel even though they re not made for that
Deathmatch change = make the respawn time shorter , be full hp after each kill , and lower people on the map ( ever since they changed it to 15 it's just constant spawn kill because of people that hold angles because they re affraid to run and 1v1 )
Retake mode : no need to explain
Ranked changes : make it soloQ only from Immo 1 to Radiant or separate Solo queues and stack queues ( duo , trio , quator and 5 stack ) , make CIS servers and voice banned lobby separately from EU lobbies so we don t get to play with people that can t talk or hear us

That's the major parts i want the game to improve but i have a lot of other ideas but it would take 2hours to write them all , overall during this Episode 1 I had a lot of fun playing and grinding this game , especially when Ascent got first released ! I m now looking for a team to play Valorant Worlds 2021 :p

posted about 4 years ago

I really like this guy , he speaks very good and knows a lot of thing. He should really consider having a pro career in this game , he's really good and has proven himself quite a lot now

posted about 4 years ago