Flag: India
Registered: November 7, 2022
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 11:50 PM
Posts: 20

u must be joking big dumbass

has everyone already forgotten about twisten? not me
why the fk would you risk his mental health over a fkin game
HE HAS A RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHETHER TO PLAY OR NOT he doesn't give a flying fk abt you

posted 9 months ago

absolutely idiotic take
if Aspas really was a baiter duelist, how are they winning so many rounds? Just because he doesn't play duelist the way YOU want him to doesn't mean he is useless. Inner team dynamics and role modifications matter as well. Let them play how they want, and if they lose you can trash on them, but how you doing that when they going to Shangai now?
If you honestly think that all teams should play exactly the same way, then what's the point of even watching games... we watch different teams for different play styles... you not liking Leviatans style doesnt matter cuz they've already qualified to Shangai which is more than i can say for most other teams

posted 10 months ago

sadly EG just did better cant believe it i rly thought prx got this... they lsot on their map pick on map 1 and from there it was kinda hard

posted about a year ago

you uh switched the teams up...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bruh then who is supposed to play FNC
any team that does will most likely lose now ur literally saying "FNC better than any team"

(also no region is going to stop playing valo cuz of some esports bro many ppl who play dont even watch esports)


posted about a year ago

ok... then who is supposed to play FNC dumbass
any team that gets matched up with them will most likely lose right
its literally unlucky

(Whats not unlucky is loud fking fnc wp)

posted about a year ago

holy shit bro was right
less has better acs rating and kda wtf

posted about a year ago

yo wtf ur pred might come true

posted about a year ago

visa issues japan taking too long to approve his due to russian origin i think

posted about a year ago

visa issues due to russian nationality
japan known for stringent visa approvance

posted about a year ago

damn what a prediction

posted about a year ago

it's not an issue with his skill it's an issue with his personality/teamwork/coordination
read TH full statement

posted about a year ago

that may be true but 3 chinese teams? 2 sounds like a great number ngl but that 3rd spot gets me....
then again, ig there are no other regions left to fill that 16th place void.
Comparing this to japan and brazil slots is fine but people didnt like that either... just cuz riot made a mistake once doesn't mean making the same mistake again is fine

posted about a year ago

post is LAN dumdum not regional or international

posted about a year ago