hehe who do you believe in now
Flag: | South Africa |
Registered: | February 4, 2024 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 6:30 PM |
Posts: | 621 |
hehe who do you believe in now
I would love an english cast so it can actually get views, I also want china to play a little earlier so they dont clash with pacific
very fair, i think my sayf stocks will go lower and lower as the tournament continues
very fair, I will consider it for my next list
I would love it if edg took this but im pretty sure g2 are gonna slam them
I do not believe past success should define placement in champs, I would put 100T > sen any day personally.
not wrong, I was sleeping hard on meteor, and I still think im underrating him quite a bit
luok1ng was monstrous but im not sure how consistent he can keep up with this form. if he puts up numbers anywhere relative to these ill shoot him way up the list
I thought I was familiar with his game putting him at 11 but clearly not he deserves higher
problem with seeding is that emea vs cn is the only region to have a lower seed beat a higher seed, with many unhappy with how domestic seeding went. matching with groups makes more sense
1.) - current place (1) - previous position I had them
1.) T3xture (2)
2.) Karon (3)
3.) Aspas (1)
4.) Chronicle (7)
5.) Alfajer (4)
6.) Smoggy (26)
7.) Trexx (11)
8.) zmjjkk (6)
9.) RieNs (24)
10.) Meteor (16)
11.) Wo0t (9)
12.) kiNgg (14)
13.) Sayf (8)
14.) Derke (12)
15.) AYYYY (29)
16.) Flashback (22)
17.) hiro (27)
18.) Benjy (18)
19.) JonahP (19)
20.) FengF (30)
21.) BuZz (20)
22.) Munchkin (HM)
23.) LuoKing (not on list)
24.) Valyn (23)
25.) Mazino (12)
26.) Kai (HM)
27.) Autumn (not on)
28.) Primmie (HM)
29.) Leaf (HM)
30.) Forsaken (10)
HM: Keznit (not on) Boaster (HM), Something (21), Lakia (not on list), Zekken (5), Tenz (15),
What do we rate this?
i as a Cn watcher put him at 26, with edg being my favorite team, he was originally in my top 5 last year in champs but when he switched to smokes he looked off, but my gosh was I not famaliar with his game on smokes.
when he was a sub for edg
terrible post and argument but against Dinero0? ill let it slide
didnt your team lose 3 times to vitality?? why are you bringing up teams lol
????? individual members is how we count trophies?? not the org???????/
well edg, fpx, te are gonna be on top. that leaves a fourth spot, with competition of jdg and blg. if you think 2 good players (autumn is second in fpx, while swerl is first in nova) with 1 decent member in pl1xx plus two people who havent been able to play at a tier 1 stage are gonna beat jdg/blg then your kinda crazy with it.
thats not exactly how that works, but as of what has been shown? yeah. TE has a tiny map pool, 1 bad map veto and its over for them
id honestly rate vitality > drx. guess we will see maybe im wrong
drx look superior? they looked really bad against kru.
igl: nAts, Redgar
Sentinel/viper: nAts, suygetsu, Vo0kashu, Sheydos
Duelist: purp0, Something
Initiator: Cloud, Trexx
Smokes: Shao, Redgar
Flex: Chronicle
My team:
nAts (IGL) - senti
Chronicle - flex
Shao - smokes
Trexx - intiator
Something - Duelist.
if raze -> chron
never met a smart fan of any team that is an extreme fanboy of said team.
americas is gonna be 2-2, pacific 2-2 and emea + cn depends on the next match. All the regions look pretty equal overall (china on the weaker side). 1 really good team (geng, fnatic, g2), 1 team that is good but look suspicious (fpx, th, lev, drx) 1 team that is kinda good (te, vitality, kru, prx) and one pretty terrible team (sen, blg, talon). I dont see how you rate one above the other (if you rate talon as the same level as prx/kru etc I wouldnt disagree
in fact every team that isnt named prx should disband
what is the depending on? average? highest skill floor? the best lowest skill team in each region? the champ teams?
W ragebait but no one this stupid exists "we still havent forgotten what you guys did in shanghai" like what a joke
I forgot about that tragedy
it depends on the person, intelligence and understanding of the game has nothing to do with it. slow methodical valorant may be interesting to those who are shocked by how well the macro is etc etc, but running unhinged valorant is great as well, the flashy plays, with a unique style.
not wrong prx straight up throwing and getting comp diffed isnt great to watch
fast means more flashy plays which is whats fun to watch. difference of preference. The same could be said for teams like fpx vs TE
China pulls in the same amount of views as all three regions combined, they have a concurrent player base of 1 million, a shit ton money in the orgs, simply put china is big enough to be its own region. Also if you combine china with apac, then you have to ask why is oce, sa/na africa not their own regions if this is purely based of representation. Its just stupid from a business angle
Smoggy underrated, aspas overrated (no he isnt bad, top 3 easily, maybe even 1 but he cant 1v9 and your trolling if you think so)
Im sorry dude but that team isnt qualifying for anything
You are arguing at best they are on par which means both get 4 spots
China is half the viewership in vct
Set plays were poor, talent was mediocre besides nats who didnt even perform all that well this year, team play and discipline looks as good as one of the chinese teams, excutes were horrid
Africa has near no talent, no scene. Its pointless. I competed in an south african high school pro league. I did not manage to meet a single person there who watched vct because they simply dont care. Most school boot their val team and tell them to switch to csgo
Coming from an african, africa should never have league until 1 makes ascension
India has much less investment and money to compete in esports. China is full of em, and proved to be good at esports. India on the other hand have none. In china, esports goes mainstream, you dont see vct being in top 10 threads in any country but in china? Kk and edg beating loud was top 5. Walk around in shanghai and every child is wearing an edg shirt
? brazil won masters? when in 2050??
I would never add an aus team the talent pool is too little just like how I would never add an african team