Kangkang performes damn wll, but you cant deny, that EDG was never seen as a favourite for the win, before 2024. And so i think much Edg and Kangkang fans only base their opinion on this champs win in 2024. And you also cant deny, that KangKang fans get toxic pretty easy if you say sth against him. I mean just speaking as a TH fan, i get to hear „HAHAHA you got stomped, you cant talk“ pretty often.
I just wanna say that maybe other players would have earned to be metioned as much as kk, but much is often focused on him.
Me personally i dont really like him bc he often doesnt really behave humble, especially while playing, but for me thats no reason to attack you guys, for liking him or his teams (speaking of „vexdia“ or „serot“)