Flag: Portugal
Registered: June 25, 2022
Last post: May 2, 2023 at 5:20 AM
Posts: 13

I hope that finally LOUD pull's up a dominant performance and do a 2-0 against 100 Thieves

posted about a year ago

These guys out here thinking the crowd is the change maker lol. Last Champions the crowd was against Loud in every single game and guess what they still win it it. And you know who was the favourits of the crowd? Fnatic. And you know who still Lost? Fnatic. So, no, if Loud win, it's not because of the crowd buff, it will be because they were better, simple has that

posted about 2 years ago

No they don't

posted about 2 years ago

Your opinion is considered more and more a meme, no one cares about what you say, so keep talking shit for us to lol even more and then see you cry in the corner...

posted about 2 years ago

Hoping we're getting an insane game, with a great showmatch of Valorant, and finally, hoping that W go for LOUD

posted about 2 years ago

Well i'm really confident in Loud, but as for now Loud didn't show anything since the formation of the new squad, i'm gonna say Loud 2 - 1 gen.g.

posted about 2 years ago

Mano, namoral, você perdeu os pais ou assim, é que está muito mal amado

posted about 2 years ago

They didn't!! In the official streaming, riot showed us the teams draft, and Loud ban Split and Breeze and picked Bind. NIP Xand even laught at that moment. If you watch the beggining of the stream you will see that (even tho you don't understand portuguese, i supposed)

posted about 2 years ago

Trembolona eu sei que és um frustrado que descarrega hate burro para cima de uma line invicta como a Loud, mas tentar procurar desculpas e errinhos em cima deles só para criticar é realmente estupidez. Mas como és um cara burro e estúpido, nada melhor que fazeres comentários há tua altura né 😂 Loud campeões invictos, aceita que dói menos e vai limpar a tua alma que ela está para lá de podre amigão 😘

posted about 2 years ago

GOLOUD 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

posted about 2 years ago

"Invejoso que farta o time, a tropa finge que nem vê, GG, GG, GG" - Loud Guxta 🎶🎶

Aceita que dói menos 😘

posted about 2 years ago

This aged well...kkkk but at the same time no one thought he would be this easy

posted about 2 years ago