Flag: Brazil
Registered: January 9, 2024
Last post: March 18, 2024 at 4:01 PM
Posts: 146
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just dont lose this masters to either loud or prx

posted 8 months ago

ta de brincadeira né cara? tu pode colocar o maior bagre do cs pra jogar valorant no primeiro spray que ele der ele vai pensar 2 coisas 1 o jogo é um lixo 2 talvez o jogo não foi feito pra dar spray, depois disso vai tentar dar one tap vai ver que vai funcionar perfeitamente vai começar a dar tap de vandal vai matar = descobriu os "duar bala" WOW GOATZERA MW REI GOAT O MAIOR DO BRASIL INTELIGENCIA SEM IGUAL, é um bando de mula msm pra glorificar algo tão basico do jogo

posted 8 months ago

ele descobriu que em um jogo que o spray é random é melhor dar tapa ao inves de dar spray??????????????????
certamente é o jogador brasileiro com 200 de QI ninguem nunca percebeu isso na gameplay realmente um revolucionário

posted 8 months ago

start of the year every team is not good yet just wait for champs, remember the same team that got 13-0 by loud at the start of 2023 won a bo5 against them at champions time is everything my brother

posted 8 months ago

Its actually crazy we have the same amount of slots of every other region,despite americas being the best region by far and have so many more talent that should been in masters too but only 2 slots is a crime.

posted 8 months ago


posted 9 months ago

tex only have next tournament to show results if lev dont qual for shaghai tex will get dropped 100% and if pancada is not signed yet he will get signed by lev and mazino will be back on sentinel role, this was a rumor that was spread among the management of lev, so even in the worst case scenario where lev dont qual they will have a even better roster at champs so its very likely tell will be at champs

posted 9 months ago

yes thats exactly what i mean sentinels is practicing since 2023 champions with johnqt, right now sentinels is far ahead of every team in the world with their insane map pool a new team that shows struggle in some maps and dominates in the others shows that they have potential but didnt have enough time to improve their map pool, if you think it was all just flukes watch LEV breeze against sentinels and you will see what raw firepower that team has

posted 9 months ago

boostio is an insane igl in every aspect of the role, he already changed 100t with the little time he had with the team and will change even more, do you really think that it was a fluke 100t going 3 maps with sentinels the best team in the world right now?

posted 9 months ago

cmon man stop this hate on these guys, c0m is a world champion who just looked out of form in lev because he didnt have enough time with the team and tex is not that bad of a player in ascension he looked pretty decent, and a team with good igl can transform even asuna in a great player if loud can qual to madrid with qck why cant 100t do the same with asuna?

posted 9 months ago

1 month of prac was enough to go map 3 with seed 1 and 2 of americas, even though sentinels and loud have WAY more time together as a team, if lev with 3 weeks of pracs go to map 3 with both loud and sen imagine what they can do with more time

posted 9 months ago

Reality check for emea and apac none of the 5 former champions was in madrid just wait for your teams to face NRG,LEV,100T

posted 9 months ago

i agree with sentinels fans and NA fans supporting tenz but i was watching a bunch of NA streamers cheering against EG because of JINGG? okay do it but its strange af, and do not overreact he is just going to the army he is not going to die or retire, in league of legends it happens all the time and they always come back playing at the same level, 1-2 years on a young man does not kill him.

posted 9 months ago

yes i know he is a good guy but every time i joined a fucking stream in champions the streamers was like DO IT FOR HIM POOR JINGG HE DESERVED IT MORE, that kinda of shit is just annoying

posted 9 months ago

ngl i always hated prx because of this aura of "omg they are such a good guys, poor jingg #doitforhim,#Wgaming" fuck that shit i can stand loud fans but not those idiots

posted 9 months ago

if he does this in brazil back in lock in ngl he would not be safe after the game

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

the only bad opinion i have on indian fans is that everything i see about your contry on twitter is about how many rp cases there are in your country

posted 9 months ago

cara o jean não quer pagar salario nem de jogador proprio Ceos é um exemplo agora imagina pagar uma multa de milhões que a furia obviamente colocou no mw e o salario q não deve ser baixo, não adianta sonhar com mw q o jean é um mão de vaca que não vai gastar com isso e tu disse muito bem esse provavelmente é o unico internacional da loud esse ano, times como nrg,lev tão treinando e vão vir muito mais fortes pro proximo regional se a loud continuar sendo esse time mediano não vão nem pra champions esse ano

posted 9 months ago

the kid was good on duelist back in brazil he destroyed BR tier 2 on duelist, not on that level yet playing flex.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

yes just like DEMON1 is mid because he is not in masters aswell and the whole fnatic team is mid, stupid take

posted 9 months ago

is mid

posted 9 months ago

HAVOC,DGZIN,XAND,HEAT,MWZERA so many good options but qck because he is "flex" what a joke

posted 9 months ago

you as a mwzera fan needs to go out on the streets to ask mw on loud, loud would just be the best team in the world by far with mwzera

posted 9 months ago

loud sentinel is LESS lev sentinel is TEX i think is a fair comparison

posted 9 months ago

right now i dont want any changes just let them play 1 more tournament and see the results, but if we gonna make changes right now dropping tex is the right call

posted 9 months ago

there are rumors of -mazino + pancada but i dont think is the right move, mazino some weeks ago reached top 1 ranked NA i know ranked doesnt mean much but it shows that he have aim, now we look at tex tracker and the guy is struggling to reach radiant bro he is stucked in imortal 3, -tex + pancada we win everything

posted 9 months ago

now its actually crazy that the crowd was chanting USA USA USA to sentinels while they only have 2 USA players KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted 9 months ago

do you have any clips or print of that?

posted 9 months ago

sim simplesmente perderam a oportunidade de fazer a maior dinastia da historia do valorant, irmão se o dinheiro é problema pega patrocionio com a porra de um cassino cara, olha a furia msm por exemplo é uma piada no cs não ganha nada e tem os salarios mais inflados doq 90% dos times europeus do cs, os caras pagam 500k pra uma maluco q não joga porra nenhuma e olha o tamanho da furia comparada com a da loud, era só querer e buscar investidor fixo nessa line de valorant q com certeza aparecia

posted 9 months ago

bom argumento valorant é 5v5 não 1v1, os 2 melhores duelistas do mundo não estão no masters alias os 3 melhores mas confia po QCK é goat saadhak vai jogar xadrez com seus inimigos, eu só sou hater dessa porra de org pq o jean é um tolo teve a melhor line na historia do brasil mas ao inves de fazer de tudo pra manter os jogadores perdeu essa oportunidade e depois perdeu o melhor duelista do brasil, ate ai tudo bem o aspas não é unico mas essa loud com mwzera tu tlgd q a gente ia atropelar essa masters com facilidade né? mas vai lá o jean ortega pagar multa ou salario de jogador caro, o cara quer terminar o ano no verde a qualquer custo isso vai acontecer porem titulos nunca mais vai ver

posted 9 months ago

a loud tendo um duelista com uma media pior q a da monyet e tu quer q eu falo oq? os unicos duelistas a nivel mundial no brasil hoje são mwzera e aspas resto é apenas comum, vai lá e faz o L e fala que perde no detalhe loud sempre da azar no masters né?

posted 9 months ago

sem o aspas a loud é um time que não bota medo em ninguem vão classificar e pegar uns playoffs mas nada perto de titulo

posted 9 months ago

i agree bro

posted 9 months ago

Without aspas they cant win anything anymore saadhak can be a genius but they just dont have enough aim to win tournaments anymore just look what edg is doing to geng, loud lost to a geng playing 5v4 (lakia is -1)

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

EG 3-0 ez

posted 9 months ago

KC 2-1
EDG 2-1

posted 9 months ago

omg its so hard to win a masters without ANY former champions of 2023 in the event, EG fucked the others teams who bought their players because they didnt allowed those players to prac before oficially selling them, next tournament they will show their form and it will be a lot harder than to play against those kids from EMEA.

posted 9 months ago

EMEA production is actually incompetent, i remember seeing the setups of americas kick offs because it was sponsored by ibuypower and those pcs could easyly run 500 fps + i think its just those pcs that are trash

posted 9 months ago

next masters our teams will be NRG,100T,LEV easy win

posted 9 months ago

yeah NA reps APAC

posted 9 months ago

2023 americas won champions even with fnatic dominating every tournament

posted 9 months ago

2022 we won, trophyless region checks

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

its part of the script bro we need to have a little donwfall so we can rise to the top

posted 9 months ago

BR val will become just like CS, won the biggest tournament in the past got separated because of money years later get together when everyone is already old and washed win nothing ever again, pancada is just like fnx 1 year in the bench meanwhile do you think he is making streams everyday or training just honing his skills for his comeback right? no every other week there is a different video of pancada in a club with a different woman every week, our end will be the same but there is someone who can save us, legacy will win ascension and will be the best team ever in valorant history just wait.

posted 9 months ago

too much ego right now i want to see if he can keep up that shit against demon1 and aspas in champions

posted 9 months ago
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