Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 6, 2024
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 3:45 AM
Posts: 9

icy isnt even top 6 duelist ☠️☠️☠️

posted 3 weeks ago

I think something might have better aim at his peak but benjy is alot more consistent id put them both pretty close it depends really. But at peak something

posted 4 weeks ago

Where the woot hating threads now lol

posted 4 weeks ago

hes very good just against the very slow and methodicalplay style he is used to playing in EMEA and against the 3 CHINA teams they have played so i think he struggles to frag and play his role effectively against different playstyles unfortunately.

posted 4 weeks ago

Im a huge TH fan so im delusional and believe they are the best so i want an outside perspective on if we think they can win the rematch.

posted 4 weeks ago

Wo0t belongs on the duelist role imo but then miniboo is also insane i just think it should depend on the map, but i just dont think its even justifiable to compare pattitek and woot considering they play different roles the majority of the time, both are insane players and fit heretics play style very nicely.

posted 4 weeks ago

You think qck is bad?

posted 4 weeks ago

i remember seeing a thread about a week ago talking about how bad Wo0t, like a player will have one bad series and instantly be called trash, brainwashed NA fans

posted 4 weeks ago