Flag: United States
Registered: July 27, 2022
Last post: February 23, 2025 at 9:34 AM
Posts: 6


posted 2 weeks ago

I'm sure I'm not the only person confused by this but I noticed that Sentinels comp for Haven and even Lotus just look older and out of step. DRX just hard countered them and looked better in every way possible. I don't understand why Sentinels, the team that do so well in kickoff for playing Yoru on basically every map. Just decide to switch there comp on the international stage for a older, worse comp. Does anyone understand why they did this?

posted 2 weeks ago

I completely agree. I just feel that maybe we need some younger and more hungry players willing to prove the world what they can do

posted 3 weeks ago

If 100t were to lose out again in stage one, which I see to be a very realistic possibility. Where does the org go from here? In my opinion they should completely restart and build the roster around eeiu and cryo maybe. I would love to hear some more opinions on what they should do. As a fan since first strike, I'm tired of mediocrity.

posted 3 weeks ago

This is my first time really being into challengers and watching all the matches (rankers are insane). But what confuses me about it is after stage one they make stage 2, than the winner of stage 2 goes to ascension. But that's only 2 events. So your telling me there are only 2 events in NA challengers all year? Can someone provide some more clear info on this because it doesn't make sense to me.

posted 3 weeks ago