Flag: Australia
Registered: August 17, 2024
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 7:25 AM
Posts: 10

Don't stop believing

posted 3 weeks ago

2022: Edward who?
2023: Oh I see, EDG.
2024: Edward is Gaming!

posted 3 weeks ago

I am not believing nothing lol. What are you talking about 😄

posted 3 weeks ago

Chichoo wtf was that

posted 3 weeks ago

Dude, you gamble you take the consequence, no matter win or lose.

posted 3 weeks ago

trueeeee, the game has just begun, hes already giving up lol, let alone short ttk game is one of the games with the highest probability of flopping.

posted 3 weeks ago

Such a close game, well played from both side, so many crazy multi-kills and clutches.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yea, they did put up something this time, but I would't say this performance so far is enough for them to pull through further. You may not believe me when I say this, but I think TE's performance this time was rather the most gratifying. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that TE is better. It's just TE's style seemed to be more reasonable and on point. TE's lost was more like geting out played, EDG just lost to its stupidity and some crazy ideas out of nowhere. TE needs more experience and if they can maintain the play style they have developed, I can see their future. As for EDG, I didn't mean to overlook the efforts of the rest of the team. However, they really should thank Simon who has provided unlimited value to the team. A man who can assist, frag, and even clutch. And when I am talking about assist, hell yeah top 1 total assist, top 4 assist per round.

ps. A well mixture of these two teams sounds decent to me LOL.

posted 4 weeks ago

EDG fans here. Gonna be a close game in favour of EDG unless Aspas drops a 50 bomb in the first two maps. Hard to say who will win. Chances are EDG will keep their momentum, but CN teams, especially EDG, are known for their terrible mental strength, staying calm and playing discipline is hardly an option in their mid-round decision. I really hope they can fix their mid-round plays, let's go EDG.

posted 4 weeks ago