Flag: United States
Registered: February 25, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 9:50 AM
Posts: 5

I understand being against targeted hate and people who take it too far with personal attacks and threats. However criticism for a bad performance in an important game is something that will exist in any competitive environment and is a part of any sport or esports. Expecting everyone to just be like GG Nice try is not reasonable and not fair to the fans as well. Ofc the fans are disappointed when they had so much hope for the team. Again the people who take thing too far are bad for the community but normal criticism is to be expected.

posted 9 months ago

SA: Saadhak (FLEX/IGL)
CN: KangKang (Duelist)
EMEA: Leo (Initiator)
APAC: Forsaken (Sentinel/anything)
NA: Cryo (Controller/jett for double duelist)

Coach: Potter

posted 9 months ago

Assuming no language barrier

Demon1: Duelist
KiNgg: Flex/IGL
Leo: Initiator
Mako: Smokes
Alfajer: Sentinel

NA only

Demon1: Duelist
Ethan: Flex
Trent: Initiator
Bang: Smokes
Boostio: Sentinel/IGL

posted about a year ago